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Adorno, 1981
Adorno, T. (1981).
Prisms, Studies in contemporary German social thought.
MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Translated from German by Samuel and Shierry Weber.

Barthes, 1971
Barthes, R. (1971).
Musica Practica, pages 149-154.
In [Barthes, 1977].

Barthes, 1977
Barthes, R. (1977).
Image, Music, Text.
Fontana Press, essays selected and translated by stephen heath edition.

Eco, 1971
Eco, U. (1971).
Den frånvarande strukturen (La struttura assente).
Casa Ed. Valentino Bompiani & Co./Bo Cavefors Bokförlag AB.
Translation to Swedish by Estrid Tenggren.

Frisk and Östersjö, 2006
Frisk, H. and Östersjö, S. (2006).
Negotiating the musical work. an empirical study.
In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. ICMA.

Gadamer, 1960
Gadamer, H. G. (1960).
Wahrheit und Methode: Grundzuge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik.
Tubingen, Mohr.
In English: Truth and Method, translation by J. Weinsheimer and D.G.Marshall, New York: Crossroad.

Krausz, 1993
Krausz, M., editor (1993).
The Interpretation of Music: philosophical essays.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Levinson, 1993
Levinson, G. (1993).
Performative vs. Critical Interpretations of Music, pages 33-60.
In [Krausz, 1993].

Meyer, 1973
Meyer, L. (1973).
Explaining Music: essays and explorations.
University of California Press, Berkeley, Cal.

Molino, 1975
Molino, J. (1975).
Fait musical et sémiologie de la musique.
Musique en Jeu, (17):37-62.

Molino, 1990
Molino, J. (1990).
Musical fact and the semiology of music.
Music Analysis, 9(2):113-156.
Blackwell Publishing. Translation by J. A. Underwood. The original article was published in [Molino, 1975].

Nattiez, 1989
Nattiez, J.-J. (1989).
Reflections on the development of musical semiology.
Musical Analysis, 8(1-2):21-75.
In translation by Katherine Ellis.

Nattiez, 1990
Nattiez, J.-J. (1990).
Music and Discourse - Toward a Semiology of Music.
Princeton University Press.
Translation by Carolyn Abbate.

Paddison, 1991
Paddison, M. (1991).
The language-character of music: Some motifs in adorno.
Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 116(2):267-79.

Ricur, 1991
Ricur, P. (1991).
From Text to Action.
Northwestern University Press.
Translation by Kathleen Blamey and John Thompson.

Stecker, 2003
Stecker, R. (2003).
Interpretation and Construction: art, speach, and the law.
Blackwell Publishing.

Vaggione, 2001
Vaggione, H. (2001).
Some ontological remarks about music composition processes.
Computer Music Journal, 25(1):54-61.

Wishart, 1985
Wishart, T. (1985).
On Sonic Art.
Imagineering Press, York.

Henrik Frisk, Stefan Ostersjo