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- Adorno, 1981
Adorno, T. (1981).
Prisms, Studies in contemporary German social thought.
MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Translated from German by Samuel and Shierry Weber.
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Fait musical et sémiologie de la musique.
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Molino, J. (1990).
Musical fact and the semiology of music.
Music Analysis, 9(2):113-156.
Blackwell Publishing. Translation by J. A. Underwood. The original
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Nattiez, J.-J. (1989).
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In translation by Katherine Ellis.
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Nattiez, J.-J. (1990).
Music and Discourse - Toward a Semiology of Music.
Princeton University Press.
Translation by Carolyn Abbate.
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The language-character of music: Some motifs in adorno.
Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 116(2):267-79.
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From Text to Action.
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Translation by Kathleen Blamey and John Thompson.
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Blackwell Publishing.
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Wishart, T. (1985).
On Sonic Art.
Imagineering Press, York.
Henrik Frisk, Stefan Ostersjo