November 24, 2023
Henrik Frisk -
Improvisation is still the rebel (?)
. . .
It should be the norm, not the fringe alternative…
structurally enforced
The discussion has a tendency to excluded many non-western types of improvised music
Improvisation as a stylistic delimiter is problematic
The practice of improvisation as a method with which different values may be proposed
The practice of improvisation reveals a certain possibility for ethics
Focus is on what happens, not how to make it happen
Play, or free-play, is the activity that is not bound to a particular concept
Whether musical practices can give rise to knowledge outside of its own field
Control or giving up the control?
When improvising, am I creating material when I play or do I find it?
Creating/Finding: problematic metaphors, but useful methodological tools
In this method a particular development between self and others is at the core
Inspired by Foucault's notion of the care of the self, a self that is rooted in "practices of freedom"
Freedom is the ontological condition of ethics. But ethics is the considered form that freedom takes when it is informed by reflection.
Foucault, Rabinow & Hurley (1997) Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth, New Press, New York.
As long as I care about the relation between myself and the other, and the larger context, I can be free to follow my artistic and ethically informed intentions, which will enforce my freedom
The care of the self is not a solipsitic activity
When you take care of the body you do not take care of the self. The self is not clothing, tools, or possessions; It is to be found in the principle that uses these tools, a principle not of the body of the soul.
You have to worry about your soul–that is the principal activity for caring for yourself. The care of the self is the care of the activity and not the care of the soul-as-substance.
You have to worry about your improvisation–that is the principal activity for caring for yourself. The care of the self is the care of the activity and not the care of the improvisation-as-substance.
The principle that uses the tools of artistic practice is in essence the aesthetics of the creative act: the practice itself.
Both music and ethics lack clear definitions - yet, they are incredibly important
Ethics in artistic practice, that is, the moral values that are expressed through artistic practices in music, may complement traditional views on ethics.
Frisk (2014). Improvisation and the self: to listen to the other, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Frisk (2013) The (un)necessary Self, Lund University Press.
this free play of associations is perhaps best described by Susanne Langer (2009) as a uncritical fusion of impressions, that exercise the powers of symbolic transformation
It is the interactions that are made possible by engaging in an artistically driven play with the objects:
In this free play I can engage with certain questions in a way that would otherwise not have been possible. Improvisation is part of the method that allows me to do this.
many attempts to draw wide-ranging conclusions on the knowledge gained
how thinking about improvisation in this way may allow me to understand the ways I may approach the other in and through this practice
I will attempt to devise a method with which I can understand and explore these processes from the inside of my own practice, well aware of the potential limitations in scope that this will carry.
improvisation is a method with which musical and human relations can be explored and with which new music can be found and created.
The knowledge lies in the connections between the various agents involved in the practice
Henrik Frisk