Feb 15, 2024
Henrik Frisk - henrik.frisk@kmh.se
A control paradigm to interaction
The difference that makes a difference
More akin to social interction, and, Improvisation
Edgar Varèse coined the term Organized Sound:
Edgar Varèse coined the term Organized Sound:
?? (????)
Our creative process will feed off a combination of heritage research, interaction design, and engineering research on sound synthesis and analysis, inspired by the experimentation in the early history of electronic instruments.
Temporal (perspective):
past < > present < > future
Material (agency):
object < > representation < > self
Comparatively short history
Stretching back to the late 19th century
Some early instruments include:
Programmable with sequencer in binary code (punch cards). American composer Milton Babbit sas one of the composers that used it.
Stockhausen, the main figure in te German school of electroacoustic music.
It all started with a new series of exercises, the most famous of which is still Bidule en ut—a sort of "fugue" obtained by superimposing the false scale of a prepared piano with varying accelerations or retards
Pierre Henry (1027-2017) and Pierre Schaeffer (1910-1995), forst performed time March 16, 1950.
Rain will evaporate is a composition with no end
The installation was recorded twice a day and the current version is rendered from thos recordings using physical models of the original glass tubes.
Source code (excerpt) for the faust process to excite the virtual tube:
import("glassVase1.lib"); strike(g) = pm.strike(pos, sharpness, gn, g) with { pos = hslider("pos", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.001); sharpness = hslider("sharpness", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.001); gn = hslider("ex_gain", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.001); }; process = strike(gate) : glassVase1(exPos, 2, 0.2, 0.5)*gain <: _,_;
Pure data patch for playing the physical model:
Henrik Frisk