Henrik Frisk - henrik.frisk@kmh.se
The GRM Acousmonium
The point of concert performance is to exploit the possibilities of the work by extending it into physical space.
Soundfield microhpones and the pioneering work of Michael Gerzon 1967-1971 on the theory of ambisonics.
(Andrew, Alex M., 2009), (Barrett, Natasha, 2010), (David G. Malham and Anthony Myatt, 1995), (Travis, Chris, 2009)
this suggests a focus on the performance and experience of the technology, i.e. the means for reproducing the composer's intents rather than on the experience of the spatiality of the sound.
the spatialization equipment and technology have become readily available, but the users haven’t caught up
Barret in Otondo (2008): Contemporary Trends In The Use Of Space In Electroacoustic Music
Spatial aspects of the music is artificially superimposed and the virtual becomes more real than reality: "immersive artworks turn into experience machines." (Mäcklin, Harri, 2021)
What is the specific arena in which art can both make use of, and critically examine, technologies in ways that strengthens social and political conceptions of contemporary technology?
is to better understand and articulate the experience of spatial properties in both natural sounds and music
This has to some extent been overshadowed by the technology of spatialization.
Such a vocabulary should allow for a wide range of definitions of place and direction as well as immersive sounds that may have a place but not a position
Bottom line:
what is the epistemological aspect of sound?
what can we say about it that goes beyond what we can say about sound in general?
… indicate a composition mode in which musical data originate from sound. We can formalize several audioparous procedures that can shape and define different aspects and timescales of the compositions
(Catena, Stefano, 2021)
RealTime Algorithmict Imbral Spatialisation: Compositional Approaches And Techniques
passive listeners?
Is the nature of spatial audio in fact reliant on large speaker arrays, or alternatively binaural renderings?
I urge you all to think about these topics and continue to develop spatial audio theory and practice.
This is best done through composition.
Andrew, Alex M. (2009). Machine consciousness, ambisonics, Emerald.
Barrett, Natasha (2010). Ambisonics and acousmatic space: a composer’s framework for investigating spatial ontology.
Catena, Stefano (2021). Real-time Algorithmic Timbral Spatialisation: Compositional Approaches and Techniques, University of Torino.
David G. Malham and Anthony Myatt (1995). 3-d Sound Spatialization Using Ambisonic Techniques, Computer Music Journal.
Grosz, E. (2008). Chaos, Territory, Art: Deleuze and the Framing of the Earth, Columbia University Press.
Mäcklin, Harri (2021). A Heideggerian Critique of Immersive Art, Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual.
Nils Peters and Georgios Marentakis and Stephen McAdams (2011). Current Technologies and Compositional Practices for Spatialization: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, The MIT Press.
Travis, Chris (2009). A new mixed-order scheme for ambisonic signals.
b = NetAddr.new("", 5510);
b.sendMsg("/ls_main/mono_inputs/0/Source__0/Azimuth__0", 60.0);
Test signal
{ Out.ar(19, Pulse.ar(220, 0.5, 0.3, 0)) }.play { Out.ar(20, Pulse.ar(330, 0.5, 0.3, 0)) }.play { Out.ar(21, Pulse.ar(352, 0.5, 0.3, 0)) }.play { Out.ar(22, Pulse.ar(502.8, 0.5, 0.3, 0)) }.play
{SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 0.5);}.play;
a = NodeProxy(s, \audio, 4);
a = NodeProxy(s, \audio, 4); a.source = { Pulse.ar([220, 300, 400, 500], 0.5, [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], 0) }; a[0] = { Pulse.ar(220, 0.5, 0.3, 0) }; a[1] = { Pulse.ar(400, 0.5, 0.3, 0) }; a[2] = { Pulse.ar(300, 0.5, 0.3, 0) }; a[3] = { Pulse.ar(500, 0.5, 0.3, 0) }; a.play(out:0, numChannels: 1, fadeTime: 2); a.clear;
o = Server.default.options;
o.numOutputBusChannels = 26;
b = NetAddr.new("", 5510); // create the NetAddr b.sendMsg("/ls_main/mono_inputs/1/Source__0/Azimuth__0", 45.0); // send the application the message "hello" with the parameter "there"
Henrik Frisk