New piece for Dan Tranh
Tuner for a new piece for a Vietnamese Dan Tranh
My piece Image Schema is being performed at the Festival Musica Viva in Lisbon Potugal on November 13 at 19:30 (Portugal time). The concert is being streamed online for those you interested to hear. There are several other interesting intermedia pieces in the concert as well!
In our series of electroacoustic music concerts at KMH we are now ready to broadcast our first binaural concert. Use a pair of headphones and listen to a range of pieces, including my own Image Schema.
Ensemble Sonanza under Jan Risberg is performing my work Drinking as part of the festival Svensk Musikvår. Enjoy it live streaming on March 25 at 6 pm.
The royal college of music in Stockholm is presenting the first in a series of concerts streamed binaurally from Klangkuoplen in Lilla Salen on March 5. Listen with headphones for best experience. At the concert my piece Image Schema is being performed in a newly remixed ambisonic version.
Concert cancelled due to illness.
My improvisation over Kim Hedås string quartet Mimionimas is being performed tonight for the first time at KMH. The concert is being streamed live! See
My piece Image Schema is performed at the inSonic fetival at ZKM (streamed).
This presentation is in Swedish only.
The installation Pellow was shown at Tekniska Museet in Stockholm in October 2020. Pellow is a browser art installation that through sonification and visualisation lets you explore the web anew. Pellow is an installation by the collective in collaboration with me.
The SixTones and David Hebert gives a keynote address at the conference/webinar Is the Virtual Real? - Musical Communities in the 21st Century on August 25. See the program at the website for more information on this very interesting and relevant conference.
My article Aesthetics, Interaction and Machine Improvisation is published in the latest issue of Organised Sound on the theme Computation in the Sonic Arts. The article is part of the Norwegian artistic research project Goodbye Intuition
The Audio paper Found in translation published by the peer-reviewed platform for contemporary music and sound art, Seismograf, earlier this year is broadcasted by fr-bb on February 11 at 15:00.
A presentation at a small conference at KTH in connection with Emma Fridh's public defence on a study in the project Goodbye Intuition.
To open the presentation in full screen, click here
The 3rd international conference on sound in film and new media in Vilnius focuses this year on soundscapes and immersive sound. I will give a keynote on the topic of narrative interaction between sound and image in the piece Machinic Propositions by Anders Elberling and myself (Mongrel). The piece was also performed in the festival in the souround sound dome of MiSC at the conservatory of music in Vilnius.
To open the presentation in full screen, click here more: >
Like many of our other works, Machinic Propositions is part of the attempt to counteract the predominance of one medium over the other, in particular, video over audio. In this paper, we discuss our artistic method in which narrativity and improvisation play central roles. It has grown out of our thinking about contemporary media and an attempt to critically examine both our own pro-technical approach and the hypermedia landscape we act and live in.
In this project, we have looked at the relation between the two media as a system of de/reterritorialisation. Our practice, like many other artistic practices, maybe likened to a rhizome, a network of ideas that in the beginning is spread out on a plane. Eventually, and partly through a self-organizing process and conceptual development, a folding of this space is taking place. Nodes that in the beginning may have been located far from each other may now be situated in close proximity. Thereby, they become accessible nodes of interaction in our practice.
Making a brief performance with Kali Malone at the Intonal festival in Malmö. The concert takes place at the wonderful Johanneskyrkan near Triangeln in central town. Kali's set starts at 20:30.
As part of the working group for EPARM I am participating in the 2019 conference in Cluj, Rumania. A very plesant experience in that the quality of these conferences keeps improving.
As part of the European arts and culture project EASTN-DC we are presenting a week of discussions, workshops and premieres at KMH in Stockholm. My artistic contribution is an ongoing project that takes its departure in field recordings made in and around the KMH campus. These are used to create a virtual sonic space that allows the listener to be at several places at the same time, metaphorically speaking. It is also an attempt to find the musicality in the the fieldrecordings and attempt to draw the listener into a state of musical listening; in short to explore the space inbetween the sonic and the musical spaces. The piece is both a concert piece and an installation that invites the listener to move between two concert halls and the space inbetween these.
expEAR & Drew Gress follows up the CD Vesper with a tour in Sweden and Balticum.
With kind support from Musik i Syd. more: > expEAR & Drew Gress on tour. Come to hear us at:
expEAR is:
Francisca Skoogh's and I have cowritten a paper entitled "Performance values - an artistic research perspective on music performance anxiety in classical music" that has now been accepted for publication in JASED - Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education.
February 24, 18:00 I am participating in Katt Hernandez' event on Virkesvägen 3 in Hammarby Sjöstad. Katt Hernandez has been invited by CoyoteSTHM to curate an evening of music and sound art, with a focus on psychogeography.
My paper "ArtDoc - An Experimental Archive and a Tool for Artistic Research" is now available in a Spinger publication:
Music Technology with Swing
13th International Symposium, CMMR 2017, Matosinhos, Portugal, September 25-28, 2017,
Revised Selected Papers
more: > About the book:
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Music Technology with Swing, CMMR 2017, held in Matosinhos, Portugal, in September 2017. The 44 full papers presented were selected from 64 submissions. The papers are grouped in eight sections: music information retrieval, automatic recognition, estimation and classification, electronic dance music and rhythm, computational musicology, sound in practice: auditory guidance and feedback in the context of motor learning and motor adaptation, human perception in multimodal context, cooperative music networks and musical HCIs, virtual and augmented reality, research and creation: spaces and modalities.
For the release of the anthology Investigacao em Artes - a necessidade das ideias artisticas for which I have contributed a chapter, a conference is staged in Lisboa. I will hold one of the lectures concerning the work with the piece Machinic Propositions.
The duo is playing at the Club Matrix in Rotterdam at 23:00 on November 22. More about the duo here.
The video piece Machinic Propositions is performed at the festival Micromusic at the city of Romans south of Grenoble. Read more about Mongrel in the 'projects' section under 'music'.
In the coming week I will be in Manchester at the NOVARS Research Centre (MUSIC) at the University of Manchester for the EASTN-DC festival of Digital Creativity. Read more at the Manchester EASTN-DC site where you can also find the full program.
A recent - the first performance of this version - piece by Mongrel (Henrik Frisk and Anders Elberling), Machinic Propositions will be performed.
At 14:15 on May 24 starts a mini conference with many interesting speakers such as Atau Tanaka, Professor of Media Computing, Dept of Computing, Goldsmiths, Univ of London and Roger Dannenberg, Professor of Computer Science, Art, and Music Carnegie Mellon University, USA. I will be presenting my ongoing work on a documentation database for artistic practice. ArtDoc: An experimental archive for artistic practice
The Laboratory for Artistic Research, Interferens, is now presenting its fifth edition and for the occasion I will present the piece Machinic propositions. On January 16-18 2018, the Malmö Academy of Music, in collaboration with NKFM (Nationellt Nätverk för Konstnärlig Forskning i Musik) is hosting the events that take place at IAC in Malmö. Interference #5 is a peer-reviewed and curated event in which the aim is to create a discourse within music research, drawn from performative and material perspectives on musical creativity. The atmosphere is that of sharing and joint exploration. In six thematically organized and curated sessions, artists and researchers will engage in a practice-based exploration of a series of perspectives on artistic experimentation, collaboration and the musician in society.
Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions is an open form composition for 10-stringed guitar and electronics. The piece emerged out of a collaboration between the composer Henrik Frisk and the guitarist Stefan \D6stersjö and developed into an artistic research project in which interaction, in the widest sense, was allowed to play a major part. This weekend it will be performed three times in the CRT Theatre in Guidecca, Venice, at 11, 15 and 17.
The sound/video piece Ella a dans\E9 - Il se tourna was presented in Hamburg at SMC 2016 and the S.T.R.E.A.M festival.
The second and formative meeting for the new national network for artistic research in music, NKFM, is taking place Monday-Tuesday August 22-23 in Gothenburg. This is a very exciting event in something I initiated last year as a final activity in the artistic research school: The attempt to create a subject specific network in music that could help carry on the discussions that took place in the research school.
On Monday night I am playing a concert with the fantastic pianist Sten Sandell at Artisten at the school for music and theatre in Gothenburg.
New music by Lars Bröndum, Lisa Ull\E9n, Girilal Baars and myself. Two sets of structured improvisation on piano, saxophone, electronics and voice.
Det är fåfängt att drömma om en vildmark fjärran från oss själva. Någon sådan finns inte. Det är myrmarkerna i våra hjärnor och magar, naturens urkraft inom oss, som lockar fram den drömmen. Jag kan aldrig hitta en större vildmark i det ödsliga Labrador än i en vrå av Concord, dvs. än vad jag själv för med mig dit. H D Thoreaus dagbok, 30 augusti 1856
Götaforsliden 13, övre entr\E8n / Mölndal
The band playing the music of Miles Davis from the late sixties and early seventies is performing in Mölndal, just outside of Gothenburg. It's a beautiful group of old and young musicians mixed making original interpretations of songs such as Sanctuary, Bitches Brew and Delores.2015-02-26
We are making a recording of some of the music we performed at the concert last year. The depth of the music of Miles Davis in the period from the late sixties to the early seventies in mindboggling. The radical attitude towards editing and recording makes it sometimes difficult to approach, but once you do, it is very rewarding...
expEAR is a new project situated in the border between art and research. After a week long workshop with Katt Hernandez we do two concerts in Malmö and in Uppsala. See for more information.
lim is recording their fourth CD. This is the first recording with guitarist Samuel Hällqvist.
Anders Elberling and myself will our project on narrativity and interaction in audio and video works on December 2 at Inter arts centre at the conference Tacit or Loud.
Elle a dans\E9 is an audio-visual piece first performed at the installation project Go To Hell in Stockholm in October 2013. It will now be performed again at the festival Tacit or Loud in Malmö Monday December 1 at 8pm in the black room of Inter arts centre.
My piece Drinking will have its first performance. Two version will be played at Tacit or Loud at a networked performance performed simultaneously at Stanford University in California and IAC in Malmö at Lund University.
At the conference on artistic research organised by the Swedish Research Council I will present my paper (in Swedish) "Att bygga ett rörligt konstnärligt forskningsfält"
Music for organ, saxophone and electronics.
Together with Per Anders Nilsson, Johannes Landgren and William Soovik we will play music by Miles Davis from the period of the lates 60s, early 70s.
Skissernas museum is celebrating their 80th birthday on October 25. A number of performers and artists will participate among which are Hans Pålsson, Sara Wilen and Carolina Falkholt. The events start at 12 noon and I play soon after.
Performing solo laptop on an eight channel system at Pufendorf Insitute in Lund at 19.00. This is the first performance of Opposite of Black Noise in Sweden.
A week long trip to California with meetings with composer Jonathan Berger and electronic master mind and guru David Wessel and two conserts:
lim is performing another concert in the Entranet series, this time in Malmö. In a double concert with Laura Toxvaerd the quartet with Peter Nilsson, David Carlsson, Samuel Hällqvist and myself will further explore their new setting and new repertoire.
May 11 at 18:00 at IAC, Bergsgatan 29, Malmö
OBS! Insläpp endast mellan 17:30-18:00
</img>At the semester meeting in the Swedish artistic research school at Gotland we did an improvisation with the wonderful M\E9li\E8s film "A trip to the moon". The entire concept of playing music to film is something I am interested in exploring further. After several projects, notably Diagonalsymfonin and the project with Isaac Julien and most recently, the work I've done with Anders Elberling, I would like to take it a step further.
lim is performing at Vinterjazz festival in Copenhagen, for the first time with the new lineup featuring Samuel Hällqvist.
We are playing at the club 5e at 20:00 Friday February 14.
The real inauguration of DomDom, the hub for experimental art in Vietnam, Hanoi marks an important continuation for independent experimental and creative music in Vietnam. DomDom, an NGO with a potential impact on the cultural deveopment of Vietnam is also the host of a series of workshops and seminars of which I have been teaching the electronic music workshop. more: >
"The 1960s and \9170s witnessed numerous revolutions and radical social change. Natural and man-made sounds and noises - the outsiders of classical music history - were no longer rejected, but were even embraced as material and a new standard for aesthetics and philosophy of music. That approach entered the 21st century on a diverse and volatile basis with the support of the scientific and technical achievements in the digital era. Come and join the evening of electronic music by representative Vietnamese and international electronic musicians, to enjoy various electronic music styles and experience a space of sounds in which The Rest Is Noise."
"Being together is the big closing show including prominent music improvisers from Vietnam and other countries. Working together during the Festival, they will develop an extraordinary musical dialogue as an individual performer or a mixed group and will present their outcomes on the last day of Festival week."
Transatlantic Conversations is a project run by Maggi Olin (SE) and Christine Jensen (CA). An ensemble consisting of Maggi Olin - piano, Christine Jensen - altsax /sopransax, Fredrik Lindborg - baritonsax, klarinett, tenorsax, Henrik Frisk - tenorsax/basklarinet, Fredrik Noren- trumpet, Karin Hammar och Christin Carlsson - trombon, Sofie Norlin - sång , Torben Waldorff - gitarr, Mattias Welin - bas, Daniel Fredriksson - trummor will perform music the two band leaders have composed for this project.
At the SeaArts festival in London, October 1 through November 10 The SixTones collaborator Ujikaji radio is broadcasting their webradio channel. The October 7 broadcast features the SixTones version of Tu Dai Oan at 30'00''. Check it out!
After a long wait and unfortunate cd label fall outs our CD Signal in Noise is finally released!
The publication for the (re)thinking improvisation sessions in artistic research Artistic Explorations and Conceptual Writing is finally here and releases. Two CD's, a DVD, and a book with texts on improvisation. Order from Lund University Press, Malmö Academy of Music.
Go To Hell is a site specific installation and performance with The Six Tones with choreography by Marie Fahlin. The performance features a installations by Gerhard Eckel and a video installation by Anders Elberling och Henrik Frisk, and video by Jörgen Dahlqvist. Music by Rolf Riehm, Henrik Frisk, Richard Karpen and The Six Tones. Lightdesign Sutoda.
Reaktor 1, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Drottning Kristinas väg 51, Stockholm
I will be playing a short solo saxophone concert at Pufendorf Institute during Kulturnatten in Lund. The program will feature improvised music for saxophones. The full program may be downloadad at the Pufendorf Institute webpage.
The concert is at Pufendorfinstitute, Biskopsgatan 3, and starts at 19:15
On September 6 I will be the discussion partner and examine Kim Hedås' doctoral dissertation in Gothenburg.
June 21 through July 3 I will be in Hanoi for workshops and concerts as part of the democracy development project run by Kim Ngoc.
During the joint conference SMAC/SMC organized by KTH myself and Bill Brunson are curating three concerts for 26 speakers at KMH July 30 through August 1.
June 21 through July 3 I will be in Hanoi for workshops and concerts as part of the democracy development project run by Kim Ngoc.
The Six Tones are playing for the opening of DomDom in Hanoi, the newly opened art center for contemporary art and design in downtown Hanoi. At this concert I will also play a solo performance.
The Six Tones are playing at Hanoi Sound Stuff on April 16 at 20.00. Hanoi Sound Stuff is the best example of the vibrant electronic music scene in Hanoi these days.
The work in motion Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions will be released in a new iteration on a CD from the Orpheus Institute. Stefan \D6stersjö and I are in the process of finalizing the mix.
After a few years away from performing with this exciting duo Henrik Frisk and Henrik Frendin are now back with full force. This concert will be broadcast live through bambuser but can also be listened to after the performance at The live show may be seen at Stadsbiblioteket in Halmstad, Nissanscenen, Saturday November 17 at 18:00.
KOPAorchestra is a ten piece band with the members of the collective Kopasetic Productions and where all of the members contribute with compositions. We will perform in Stockholm (Fasching), Helsingborg (Dunkers) and Malmö (SR Studio 7). See for more information or download the flyer.
The international sessions for artistic research, which is a festival and symposium for improvised musics of many kinds is starting tomorrow Sunday November 27. A flyer with a condensed program can be downloaded here.
Tonight I'm playing at a very special occasion at Per Anders Nilsson's public PhD dissertation concert. His duo Pantomorf will play as will distinguished guest John Tilbury. Per Anders trio Beamstone, with Sten Sandell and Raymond Strid will perform with Mats Gustafsson.
More info at
I'm giving a talk and a short perfomance in Gothenburg at Atalante in the ARTLAB series curated Ole L\FCtzow-Holm. The session starts at 19.00.
I'm playing the laptop part in the first perfromance of Daniel Hjort's String Cycles at Uppsala Konsert and Kongress.
Read more about the concert and about NEO here. more: > I Quartet Plugged utforskar Aniarakvartetten elförstärkt musik för stråkkvartett, en genre som skapades i och med George Crumbs kommentar om vietnamkriget, \92Black Angels \96 Thirteen images from the dark land\92, från 1970. Saker och ting ställdes på ända. Fruktansvärda saker låg i luften [...] de fann sin väg in i Black Angels\94 \96 George Crumb om sitt verk 1990.
Black Angels är troligen det enda verket för stråkkvartett som inspirerats av vietnamkriget. Crumb använder sig av uttryck som rop, mässande, visslande, viskande, gong-gong, maracas och vattestämda kristallglas. Partituret har två inskriptioner: \94In tempore belli\94 (i krigstid) och \94Finished on Friday the Thirteenth, March, 1970\94 (Slutfört fredagen den trettonde mars 1970). I Black Angels återfinns allusioner till flera tonala verk: Schuberts stråkkvartett \94Döden och Flickan\94 citeras i satsen Pavana Lachrymae och ekon från Schuberts kvartett återkommer också i verkets sista sida. Referenser till den medeltida hymnen \94Dies Irae\94 (vredens dag), återfinns vid flera tillfällen i verket, liksom citat ur Tartinis \94Djävulsdrillen\94. Tonalitet och numerologi används för att symbolisera förhållandet mellan ondska och godhet och djävulen och gud.
Förutom Black Angels spelar kvartetten även två nyskrivna verk av tonsättarna Daniel Hjort och Stefan Klaverdal beställda av Aniarakvartetten med stöd av Konstnärsnämnden.
Aniarakvartetten bildades 1995 när medlemmarna fortfarande studerade på musikhögskolor runt om i Europa. Kvartetten var länge baserad i Malmö, men tre av medlemmarna är födda och uppväxta i Uppsala. Sedan ett par år är musikerna bosatta i Uppsala och Gävle och ensemblen kommer att ge flera konserter i Uppsala under säsongen 2011-2012.
\C4nda sedan starten har Aniarakvartetten haft ett stort intresse för samtida musik. De medverkade redan som helt nybildad med konserter och inspelningar för danska radion under festivalen Ung Nordisk Musik. Sedan dess har de tillägnats och uruppfört ett 15-tal verk för stråkkvartett varav flera spelats in på skiva. Bland tonsättare som skrivit för Aniarakvartetten kan nämnas Gunnar Valkare, Staffan Mossenmark, Daniel Nelson, Thomas Liljeholm samt Anna-Lena Laurin.
I play with the trio lim together with French guitar virtuoso Marc Ducret at Victoriateatern in Malmö at 19:30 on Tuesday night October 25. Our new CD lim with Marc Ducret is available from
This years edition of the KOPAfestival has already started with performances in Lund and Helsingborg. On Monday night I will be playing with an exciting project led by the multi-faceted Scott Stroman and soprano saxophone wizard Cennet Jönsson. The group features musicians such as Maggi Olin, Lena Willemark, Lisbeth Diers and Almaz Yebio among others, and the concert takes place in the great cathedral in Lund at 20.00, Monday October 10.
For the festival program see
On Monday September 19 at 19.30 the digital ensemble The Trembling Aeroplanes will perform an exciting program of music by myself, Kent Olofsson, Martin Svensson and world premiere of "Cicus Maximus", a multimedia piece by American composer Alvin Curran. Kent's piece is a Hoerspiel, "Les Portes de l'Enfer", produced in collaboration with Teatr Weimar with text by Jörgen Dahlqvist. In this concert the ensemble will perform the full version of my piece The Mystic Writing Pad.
The concert is part of the Integra festival taking place at the Royal Danish Academy of Music.
This new trio will play two nights at Teater Momentum starting tonight, Thursday September 22, in Odense and two nights at Glenn Miller Caf\E9 in Stockholm (Saturday and Sunday, September 24-25).
In Odense first set starts at 20.00 and at Glenn Miller Caf\E9 at 20.30.
On Monday September 19 at 19.30 the digital ensemble The Trembling Aeroplanes will perform an exciting program of music by myself, Mattias Rodrick and Kent Olofsson. Kent's piece is a Hoerspiel, "les Portes de l'Enfer", produced in collaboration with Teatr Weimar with text by Jörgen Dahlqvist. In this concert the ensemble will perform the full version of my piece The Mystic Writing Pad.
The concert is a IAC, Bergsgatan in Malmö.
Stefan \D6stersjö and I have collaborated with British artist Isaac Julien and created new music for his extraordinary film Better Life. In a project related to his installation Ten Thousand Waves we will also perform the music live at the opening of Göteborg Intenational Biennal for Contemporary Art.
The Six Tones with Friends performs at IAC in Malmö on September 3 at 21:00. This time the guests are the distinguished American composer Richard Karpen and the innovative improviser Herman Müntzing.
The IAC (InterArts Center) is located in the old choclate factory on Bergsgatan 25 (next to Inkonst).
The Six Tones and Friends are doing a special performance at the beautifully situated Kalv Festival. This edition of The Six Tones features apart from Stefan \D6stersjö and I, Nguyen Thanh Thuy (Dan Tranh) and Tri Minh (laptop). We will perform a program of improvisations and traditional Vietnamese music.
Repetition Repeats all Other Repetitions is performed in the Listening Room at ICMC in Huddersfield.
I will also do a presentation of the IntegraLive software that I've collaborated on at the conference.
I'm doing two concerts, two productions, with Ensembl Midtvest on July 2. It is part of the ensembles summerfestival and on the occasion I'm working with Danish video artist Anders Elberling.
On June 23 I will perform with the project Analog Visuals at Inter Arts Centre in Malmö. Analog Visuals is Vitaily Harmash (belarussian electronic musician), Jerzy Mazzoll (polish clarinettist, who has played with Tony Oxley, Alfred Harth, Peter Brotzmann among others) and the visual artists Marcin and Tomek Ebert.
I will make a solo performance with sax and electronics at the re-new festival in Copenhagen on May 17 at 20:00. The concert takes place at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation\92s Koncerthuset, Studio 2. Read more about the re-new festival and the concert at re-new here.
lim and Marc Ducret are celebrating their new release on Kopasetic by playing at Lilla Hotellbaren, Scandinc Malmen, in Stockholm on May 3 at 20.30. Read a bloggers review of one of our recent performances (in Swedish only) to know what to expect!
Read more about lim here.
I'm doing a concert with Swedish viola player Erik Ring in Uppsala on Friday, April 15 at 19.00 at Nannaskolans Aula. The concert is part of the chamber music week arranged by the music school in Uppsala. The program features music by Tigran Mansurian and Bach as well as improvisations.
My quartet Ooko will play an afternoon concert at Kulturen in Lund, a wonderful museum in the city centre on Sunday April 3. The concert starts at 14.30 and is part of Kopasetic Productions concert series.
Read more about Ooko here.
lim with Marc Ducret documents the continued collaboration between lim and French guitarist Marc Ducret. The ongoing collaboration was initiated during KOPAfestival 2006 and parts of their 2006 performance is also featured on the CD KOPAlectric. Although the fourth CD by lim this new album is the first studio recording with Ducret.
lim and French guitar virtuoso Marc Ducret is playing at Caf\E9 Kaka in Eskilstuna on March 24. The quartet is about to release a new CD on Kopasetic Productions. On May 3, the group will play at Lilla Hotellbaren in Stockholm.
Saturday March 19 marks the debut for our society for new music, NEO, in Uppsala. The Saturday concert will present Trio Wallin (clarinet, cello, piano) in Nannaskolans Aula in Uppsala at 15:00. On April 15 we will present our second concert featuring myself on saxopphone and electronics and Erik Ring on altoviolin.
I will be playing in a new duo with pianist Loic Dequidt at Klubb Kong on March 16, at 20:00. Loic and I first met and played together some 15 years ago in Paris, but this is the first time we play in Sweden. We will do some of Loic's music on piano, sax and electronics as well as som free improvised stuff.
More about Kopasetic at Klubb Kong here. Klubb Kong is located at Nordenskiöldsgatan 19, Malmö.
Bringing together musicians working in different traditions of musical improvisation, (Re)thinking Improvisation - an international research project organized by the Malmö Academy of Music - now takes the initiative to organize an event in which musicians and scholars from various disciplines can get together in order to explore improvisation from a multidisciplinary and globalized perspective.
In a concert at Inter Arts Center the digital subgroup of Ensemble Ars Nova, The Trembling Aeroplanes, is premiering the second part of my suite for digital ensemble The Mystic Writing Pad. The concert starts at 3.00 pm and also features works by Kent Olofsson, Roger Reynolds, Malin Bång and John Oliver.
Copenhagen Art Ensemble will perform my piece Continuous Breach at two concerts this week. In Oslo, at the Vinterlyd festival on February 27, and in Malmö at the InterArt Center on February 25.
A brand new CD from the Swedish label Chamber Music featuring Swedish electro acoustic music has a recording of my piece Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions as played by Stefan östersjö.
Ensemble ArsNova is performing my piece The Mystic Writing Pad, written for the ensemble's special project SwitchedOn at a concert in Malmö, December 4. The concert takes place at the brand new InterArts Center which is a very exciting inter-artistic center for contemporary art.
Apart from this premiere and the performance of new works by Kent Olofsson och Alessandro Perrini, a work by John Oliver, I will do an improvisation with guitarist Stefan \D6stersjö, saxophone virtuoso Jörgen Pettersson and the very special Polish guest Marek Choloniewski on laptop.
Click here for more information (only in Swedish).
My relatively new quartet Ooko plays at Glenn Miller Caf\E9 in Stockholm on December 1. Although originally a trio we will now for the first time play with bass player Johannes Burström.
My trio lim has just finished recording a new CD with French guitarist Marc Ducret. We have played with Marc on a few occasions before but this is the first time we recorded in studio with him (though the live CD KOPAelectric has three tracks with lim and Ducret). We are planning to release this CD in March next year.
The Copenhagen Art Ensemble is playing my piece Continuous Breach in a series of concerts in Denmark this week. The first concert is already tonight in Frederiskberg. Continuous Breach was commisioned by the Copenhagen Art Ensemble in 2009 and premiered at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival in July 2009. It's written for the saxophonist Lotte Anker as soloist.
I will be doing a series of performances in the US in the upcoming week, starting already tonight with a performance at IBeam with Angelica Sanchez, Gustavo Aguilar and Earl Howard. Following that I am performing at the University of Maine Farmington, at GASP art gallery in Boston, solo as well as with Achile Succi and Neil Leonard, and finally at CNMAT, Berkeley with Per Anders Nilsson and Dave Wessel.
Some of the pieces I've done in collaboration with Swedish artist Stefan Lundgren will be played at his event The Taste of Art at <a href=">Pelaires Centre Cultural Contemporani</a>. At this happening Stefan Lundgren will transform five of his works into food.
The trio lim will play in Malmö and Stockholm in the upcoming week. On Wednesday November 3 we will play at Klubb Kong in Malmö and on November 10 and 11 we will play at Glenn Miller Caf\E9 in Stockholm. The Stockholm dates will feature French guitarist Marc Ducret with whom we have collaborated on several occasions.
The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts, edited by Michael Biggs and Henrik Karlsson, and to which I have contributed a chapter (co-written with Henrik Karlsson) is now available. The book is a collection of writings "on research in the creative and performing arts by leading authorities from around the world."
I will do a performance and a presentation at the <a href=">ELIA Biennal Conference</a> in Nantes. Apart from a short improvisation I will present my paper "Time and Reciprocity".
Today the KOPAfestival 2010 started with a concert with Tolvan Big Band in Lund. Tomorrow I will play with KOPorchestra at a concert at Kulturen in Lund and on Tuesday I will play with Richie Beirach and Anders Mogensen at Victoriateatern in Malmö.
I will do a short tour in Sweden and Denmark with this new trio. I have played duo with Richie (the CD Expressions was recorded in 1997) in the past but this is the first time we play trio with Anders.
I will be doing a solo saxophone/laptop performance on Monday October 1 at the EarZoom festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In addition to the concert I will also do a presentation on some of my ongoing research. The EarZoom festival is curated by Miha Ciglar and is arranged by the IRZU the newly established institute for sonic arts in Ljubljana.
Read more about the concert event and venue here.
Stefan \D6stersjö is performing my piece Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions at the ORCiM research festival in Ghent, Belgium tonight. The new version of the piece is the first that actually implements all of the original ideas with regard to interaction and dynamic form.
Together with composer and guitarist Kent Olofsson I will perform at the inauguration of a new center for the arts in Malmö. Inter Arts Center is co-founded by the three arts academies in Malmö (Music, Visual arts, Theater) and has an open call for projects. Read more about IAC here.
I will do a performance of etherSound at jazz club Fasching, Stockholm on Monday May 3, 2010 at 8 pm. I will also participate in a group performance with master musicians Lena Willemark (vocal), Svante Henrysson (cello) and Peter Danemo (drums and electronics).
I will be playing in Malmö two nights in the upcoming week. The first occasion is an exciting Swedish/Danish/Vietnamese collaboration, an offspring of the Hanoi New Music Meeting that took place last October. The second is my live premiere with my band Ooko featuring Katrine Amsler and Michala östergaard-Nielsen on piano and drums respectively.
I will be in Vietnam for two weeks (March 26 through April 7) for a performance at the Hanoi Sound Stuff festival with The Six Tones (Henrik Frisk, Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Ngo Tra My and Stefan \D6stersjö). Following the festival we will record with the Six Tones and Vietnamese guest musicians.
The first half of my PhD dissertation has been published and is now released as a book by the German academic publisher VDM. It is available on internet bookstores such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Blackwell. more:
For more information about the book and the abstract, see my blog.
An essay by Marcel Cobussen for which I did a "sound illustration" is now available online as part of Volume 2 of the interdisciplinary e-journal Konturen, "Between Nature and Culture: After the Continental-Analytic Divide," . The title of the piece (which we've also performed live at the Guelph Jazz Festival last year) is The Field of Musical Improvisation and it's a collaboration between myself, Marcel Cobussen and Bart Weijland.
My paper Improvisation, Computers, and Primary Process: Why Improvise With Computers in issue number 32 of the journal New Sound is now available along with a track by me on the accompanying CD. The editor for this issue is Marcel Cobussen and among the other authors are David Toop and Sara Ramshaw. The journal may be accessed online following this link.
On Friday February 12 I will do a performance and sound installtion at gallery Xavier Fiol in Palma Mallorca, in Spain. This is a collaboration with my long time friend and artist Stefan Lundgren. At the opening of his show
On Friday November 13, at 8 pm, you have a unique oportunity to listen to this very original work by American experimentalist composer and improviser Anne LeBaron. The libretto is by Douglas Kearney and tells the story of the (cyborg) transformation of a lonely housewife (portrayed by the American soprano Marja Liisa Kay) who is developing a sexual relationship with a vacuum cleaner given to her by her absent and ignorant husband Manny. Read more about Sucktion here.
The Swedish National Radio is broadcasting a live recording with my new 10-piece band Henrik Frisk's Pli on Tuesday night November 3. The concert was recorded in Malmö on October 1st. The broadcast may be accessed on the web, streaming by visiting in various popular formats such as poddradio. The concert was part of the Kopasetic festival 2009.
Violist Henrik Frendin is performing my piece Drive at the Nordic Viola Symposium opening concert (
October 1st marks the premiere of my new project Pli. Our debut concert is held at Viktoriateatern in Malmö, Sweden at 7.30 pm. The concert is recorded by the Swedish National Radio and as soon as the broadcast is made public I will post the link here. Pli is a 10 piece band with some of my favourite musicians including Almaz Yebio (vocal), Marcelo Gabard Pazos (alto and baritone sax), Morten Carlsen (tenor sax), Jakob Riis (trombone, laptop), Samuel Hällkvist (guitar), Sten Sandell (piano, voice, electronics), Nils \D6lmedal (double bass), David Carlsson (electric bass), Peter Nilsson (drums). The concert is a part of the ongoing KOPAfestival 2009 and is produced along with Jazz i Malmö.
The Swedish CD distribution company CDA has today announced that they will file a petition in bankruptcy. In practice this means that my CDs as well as those by other artists at Kopasetic productions will be (even) more difficult to come by. However, all Kopasetic Productions may be bought from
On Thursday September 10 (also the birthday of my youngest son!) I will be doing a performance presentation at the Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium in Canada. The performance is done together with Dutch music philosopher Marcel Cobussen.
I will be presenting the paper "An object oriented model for the representation of temporal data in the Integra framework" at ICMC in Montreal on August 16. The paper is co-written with Jamie Bullock. Download the slides. more: The paper is about representation of time in the Integra framework, and we propose an XML based storage format for this data. The ideas presented in this paper is the result of several years of discussions.
ICMC 2009 is organised by the Schulich School of Music of McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
On Sunday 12, Copenhagen Art Ensemble will premiere my composition Continuous Breach. The day after the ensemble will play the same program at \C5rhus jazz festival. The concert in Copenhagen will take place at 8:30 pm at Huset in Magstraede.
The interactive sound installation etherSound will be set up as part of a support act for the Swedish CD distribution company CDA. Read more about the event at
The cd etherSound is obviously distributed by CDA. The concert starts at 7 pm. Read more about the venue here. And remember that, even if you can not come to the concert you can still participate:
Send an SMS where the first word is esound to 72500.
etherSound, the interactive sound installation that I have been working on for since 2003, has now gotten its own page. Go to and listen, read, and claim your free copy of the etherSound CD.
The Six Tones is a Swedish-Vietnamese project featuring Stefan \D6stersjö, Nguyen Thanh Thuy and Ngo Tra My. On this tour, starting March 28 in Stockholm and ending April 4 in Härnösand, Henrik Frisk will also perform live electronics with the trio, in his own piece as well as in improvisations. The collaboration started in the spring of 2006 with the main ambition to create a foundation for a meeting between two different musical cultures on equal terms.
In our own series of concerts, <a href=">Kopasetic productions</a> presents lim in an afternoon concert at Kulturen in Lund, Sweden. The concert starts at 4.30PM.
The Needle's Eye is a three day event that features installations, concerts and the final defence of two artistic doctoral dissertations at Lund University Sweden by Henrik Frisk and Stefan östersjö respectively.
Tonight, Tuesday Feb 26, Swedish Radio will broadcast a show recorded on September 26 of last year at the KOPAestival 2007 (see also Kopasetic Productions site).
On Thursday January 24 I will be playing at GMC in Stockholm with Peter Nilsson on drums and Nils \D6lmedal on bass.
December 10 at 12, noon myself and Stefan \D6stersjö will perform a concert as part of our seminar presentations of our respective artistic research projects.
The seminars will take place on the afternoon of December 10 (immediately after the concert) and on the morning of December 11.
more: >
Prof. Simon Emmerson will discuss Henrik Frisk's PhD
project and Prof. Stephen Goss will discuss Stefan
\D6stersjö's project.
The final defense of our PhD projects is scheduled for May 11-13, 2008. Both of these research projects are performed at Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University. Should you wish to receive the material that will be discussed in the seminar, please contact me at mail AT henrikfrisk DOT com or pick up your printed copy at the information deskt at Malmö Academy of Music. An invitation (in Swedish) may be downloaded here containing all the necessary information.
October 13 at 6pm at Inkonst, Malmö. Ensemble Ars Nova will be performing music by Tan Dun, Shing-kwei Tzeng, Dajuin Yao and Martin Svensson as well as improvisations. The concert is part of the Sound Around festival.
In connection with the centenary celebration of the Malmö Academy an interesting seminar is taking place October 10-11. For the first time researchers from the fields of Music Education and Music Performance meet to discuss the research performed at the Malmö Academy.
For more information visit the Malmö Academy of Music website or download the invitation.
As one part of our centenary celebrations we arrange a conference in Malmö, October, 11-12. The conference, The International Seminar on the Education and Performance of Music starts in the morning Thursday Oct 11 at 11 am and finishes Friday 12 at 3 pm. One point of departure for some of the presentations and discussions will be the book A Decade of Research in Music Education, launched at the start of the conference and summarizing the music education research conducted in Malmö/Lund during the past ten years. Another point of departure is the experiences from the development and the first years of artistic research in music at the Malmö Academy of Music. All presentations and discussions will be in plenum, with good time for discussions. Each session starts with a 30-minute presentation followed by 45-60 minutes of discussion and comments.
Keynote speakers:
</img> The Kopasetic Productions annual festival is starting in a few days - read more about it here.
On September 17, at 10 AM, Kopasetic Productions will present the festival program at Palladium in Malmö. There will also be a KOPAgroup playing!
On Monday morning I will be presenting an article about the Integra library that primarily myself and Jamie Bullock has been working on. Please come and see me at Auditorium 3 at the School of Architecture in Copenhagen at 8.40 in the morning of Monday August 27.
At ICMC 2007 in Copenhagen I will perform etherSound along with Per Anders Nilsson and Michala Østergaard-Nielsen (see also The concert is at:
HUSET I MAGSTRÆDE (Musikcaféen)The concert starts at 22.00 (10 pm). Please see the full program for ICMC at
1466 K\F8benhavn K
You can participate in the concert even if you can't come to Huset in Copenhagen and listen. Just send an SMS message to:
and let the first word of your message be:+45 6151 0060
The keyword ('sounds') can be all capitalized or all capitals, it doesn't matter, but there needs to be a space between the keyword and your message.sounds
At ICMC 2007 in Copenhagen I will perform etherSound along with Per Anders Nilsson and Michala Østergaard-Nielsen. The concert is at:
HUSET I MAGSTRÆDE (Musikcaféen)It starts at 22.00 (10 pm). Please see the full program for ICMC at
1466 K\F8benhavn K
The Six Tones is performing in Växjö on April 28 at 14.00. The concert is arranged by CoMA - Contemporary Music and Artists, Musik i Syd. On June 2 at 19.30 are we performing the same program at the Malmö Academy of Music.
We will perform some traditional vietnamese music as well as improvisations and my pieces Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions and The Six Tones.
On Monday March 5, Stefan östersjö and myself will be doing a concert at the Frontiers concert series at Birmingham Conservatoire. Stefan will perform my piece Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions" as well as music by Michele Tadini and Kent Olofsson.
My piece for guitar and electronics, Repetition Repeats all Other Repetitions will be performed by Stefan östersjö in two different versions at two concerts at Stanford and Seattle in February.
For more information about the venues look here for the February 8 concert at CCRMA, Stanford, and here for the February 11 concert at DXARTS, Seattle.
my work in progress Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions. This piece was premiered at the opening concert of the MusicAcoustica festival in Beijing in October of this year (read more about that eventhere).
Ensemble Ars Nova is the main promotor of new music in the Malmö region and one of the most prolific ensembles of contemporary music in Sweden.
I will be at ICMC06 in New Orleans in November. I will present the results of the empirical studies in the project "Negotiating the Musical Work" which I am doing together with Stefan östersjö.
Together with guitarrist Stefan östersjö I will be doing two concerts in Asia over the next couple of weeks. One in Hanoi and one in Beijing as part of the Musicacoustica festival. In Beijing we will also participate in the EMS06 conference.
On September 27, I will play a duo concert with laptop musician Per-Anders Nilsson at Brötz in Gothenburg. The concert starts at 8 pm.
I have played with Per-Anders on numerous occasions. In May 2005 we did a small tour in California (read more about the tour here). He is a versatile musician with a great interest in using the laptop as an instrument - that is to really <emplay</em> the laptop. Consequnetly he has developed techniques to allow him to do exactly that. </p>2006-09-17
September 21-22 Kopasetic Productions will present some of its bands along with guest artists Lotte Anker, Marc Ducret and David Liebman. The concerts are presented in Malmö at Jeriko and Palladium.
On Thursday night lim will perform together with French guitarist Marc Ducret. lim has just released their second album superlim. We are looking forward to meeting you at Jeriko!
Myself and Stefan östersjö have been invited to do a presentation of our paper "Negotiating the musical work (II): Computer-Performer interaction in Relation to Composer-Performer Interaction."
Together with Henrik Frendin I'm doing another concert on June 18 at 8.00 PM in Växjö, Sweden as part of the Master Class Festival. Follow this link for more information. The concert is followed by a presentation by me on June 19 within the frame of a network meeting called NordEAM - Nordic Electro-Acoustic Music.
June 9 I will be playing with guitarist Anders Nilsson at Caf\E9 Grumpy in Brooklyn. More details on the concert can be found here.
On June 7 I will do a concert at the International Viola Congress in Montreal together with Swedish viola player Henrik Frendin.
The concert starts at 10:30 and was originally to be held at Lion d'Or, but has been moved. Check the program for updates.
September 21 marks the first night of an exciting two day event in Malmö. Apart from groups from the musician owned and run label Kopasetic Productions, international guests David Liebman, Marc Ducret and others will be heard. More info and complete program will be published in the fall.
Starting February 8 is a series of seminars, workshops and concerts in Malmö arranged by Malmö Academy of Music and Ars Nova. Apart from having been part of the organizing comitee and participating in the seminars and workshops, I will also play a concert with bassist Miroslav Vitous and drummer Peter Danemo at Jeriko in Malmö on Saturday Feb. 11 at 7.30 pm.
Get the program here. more: > Prof. Luca Francesconi came up with the original idea for this event. The idea was to bring up the Western dichotomy of the body and the brain in a series of events, practical as well as theoretical. I have written about the issue as I see it in my diary (follow this link). Improvisation will be one theme during the week which features some excellent performers and artists.
Wed 8 February |
16:00 Rooseum |
Opening Panel Discussion |
19:30 Caroli kyrka |
Opening Concert |
Thursday 9 February</h3> |
9:30-12:30 Malmö Academy of Music (X-251) |
Connect Lab |
13:30-16:00 Malmö Academy of Music (X-251) |
Connect Lab |
16:30-18:30 Malmö Academy of Music, Lilla Salen |
Workshop / concert |
19:30 Malmö Academy of Music, Lilla Salen |
Concert |
Friday 10 February</h3> |
9:30-12:00 Malmö Academy of Music (X-251) |
Connect Lab |
12:15 Malmö Academy of Music, Rosenbergssalen |
Concert |
14:30-17:00 Malmö Academy of Music (X-251) |
Connect Lab |
19:30 Jeriko |
Concert |
Saturday 11 February</h3> |
12:00-13:30 Malmö Academy of Music (X-251) |
Connect Lab |
13:30-16:30 Malmö Academy of Music (D-208) |
Workshop |
17:00 Malmö Academy of Music, Rosenbergssalen |
Concert |
19:30 Jeriko |
Concert |
<img src="" height=50% />This is not really news, but an artistic research article by myself and Miya Yoshida on my interactive sound installation etherSound was published in Organised Sound in 10:2, 2005 pp 121-127. You can buy the article here. Click more to read the abstract.
I will be performing with Henrik Frendin and Michael Reuter at the Music Academy in Stockholm on December 1, 7 pm. The program is a mixture of improvisations and composition by myself, Kent Olofsson, Erik Enström and Henrik Frendin. The concert is part of KMH's concert and seminar series Impro Lab and after the concert we will be doing a seminar on improvisation along with Marcus Lindahl from KTH, Stockholm.
Kgl Musikhögskolan i Stockholm, Valhallavägen 105, Lilla Salen
A concert in Malmö, at the Palladium, tonight Oct 30 at 6PM where I will be performing with Katrine Amsler and Johannes Burström as well as with David Carlsson.
The recording of my piece Tetrachordal Variations (I know, the title really sucks...) is now out and available. You can buy it here. In this recording with the Warszaw Philhormonic Orchestra, myself and Richie Beirach are soloists.
My composition Drive has been selected by the Swedish ISCM jury to be propsed to the international jury of ISCM for the 2006 World Music Days in Frankfurt.
I will be in Berlin between June 10-16. I am invited to participate in the Knowledge Lab workshop at the House of World Cultures as part of the Transit Festival 05.
I will do a concert in Reykjavik on June 5 with Henrik Frendin. Frendin plays his Electric Viola Grande and performs pieces by myself, Kent Olofsson and Erik Enström among others.
I will perform at the SIM (Sound in Interactive Media) event at the institute for Medialogy at Aalborg University in Copenhagen on May 12.
My interactive sound piece <a href=index.jsp?metaId=res&id=proj">etherSound</a> will be performed at the MIDAS conference in Glasgow on Saturday May 8.
Stockholm Saxophone Quartet will perform my piece Perspicio at the Borderline festival in Malmö.
In late March I will be in California for concerts and teaching. Henrik Frendin will perform my piece Drive at a concert at Santa Barbara University where we will also do a workshop. Along with Per Anders Nilsson I will perform in San Diego and CNMAT.
MMC in Boston is now releasing the recording of my piece Tetrachordal Variations as played by the Warszaw Phil. and myself and Richie Beirach as soloists. The recordings were made in 1996. Keep posted for release date!
My paper on etherSound has been accepted for the Spark Festival and Conference. The conference takes place February 17-20 and hosts guests DJ Spooky and Philippe Manoury. I have also been asked to set up etherSound during the festival.
I will do three concerts in Sweden together with saxophonist Neil Leonard and laptop performer Per Anders Nilsson in January 2005. The program will consist of improvised electronic and acoustic music. January 12, Kulturverket, Halmstad, January 13, Artisten, Göteborg, January 15, Panora, Malmö
The cd Viola con Forza has been nominated for a Swedish Grammy award. My piece Drive is recorded by Henrik Frendin on that cd. Drive has been played quite a few times now in Swedish, Dutch, German and American radio.
In preparing for our upcoming recording a few more concerts in south of Sweden have now been confirmed.
lim will start recording is second cd in December. This record we intend to do as much 'live' in the studio as possible. We will also do a few concerts and workshops in preparation for the recording. On November 1st we will be at Sundsgårdens Folkhögskola, close to the city of Helsingborg, for a concert and workshop.
I will be doing a solo performance at Skånes Konstförening in Malmö at the opening of an exhibition of drawings by Stefan Lundgren. Some of his drawings in the exhibition contains fragments of texts by me. My performance starts at 10 pm.
Follow this link for the address.
After a lot of uncertainty it is now clear that I will be going to Minsk to do a performance with Swedish artist Stefan Lundgren on September 6. Together we will perform at a festival called Navinki held at the Museum for Contemporary Art in Minsk, Belarus.
I have done a number of performances with Stefan over the years, but not since 2002 when we did a show in Dresden.
However not yet confirmed, it seems like I will be going to Minsk, Belarus in early September to perform at a festival. I have very little information about the event but this is, have I been reassured, normal considering the circumstances there. I will be going together with Swedish artist Stefan Lundgren.
The Swedish Art magazine FABRIK (in Swedish only) has published the score to my piece "Drive".
Walrus Music Publishing,, is making my arrangement of David Liebman's tune Carissima available for sale. This is a result of David Liebman Big Band having recorded this same arrangment on cd.
David Liebman has recorded my arrangement of his tune Carissima with the Dave Liebman Big Band. The record is released on Omnitone and is called Beyond the Lines. Read more at
Henrik Frendin is playing my piece "Drive" for electric viola grande and computer on his new record Viola Con Forza on Phono Suecia.
A performance of and with my sound installation etherSound. Except for myself the musicians are Peter Nilsson - drums, David Carlsson - bass, Andreas Andersson - saxophones, Anders Nilsson - guitar.
I am looking forward to collaborating with the Swedish guitarist Stefan östersjö on this commission. As he is also a doctorate student at the Malmö Academy of Music and his research project touches on a lot of the same questions as my own project, this collaboration comes naturally.
Tuner for a new piece for a Vietnamese Dan Tranh
What is research data in artistic research?
Description of the scale material for the piano piece Method and Ignorance
Method and Ignorance is a piece for piano and electronics. However, the electronics part consists solely of a piano sampled at roughly 120 discrete notes tha...
Premiere of my piece Method and Ignorance in Silicon Valley
This paper departs from ideas developed in the artistic research project Goodbye Intuition (GI). The focus of GI was on improvising with ‘creative’ machines....
Short video presentation of our paper at SMC 2024
KMH Showcase at the Norberg festival
A script for collecting media files referenced from a org-reveal presentation file.
Forum Artistic Research: /listen for beginnings/ is a Symposium held 27–29 June 2024 at Gustav Mahler Private University for Music (GMPU), Klagenfurt, Austria
While spatial audio technologies have developed dramatically in the last twenty years, the compositional approaches to spatialisation in electroacoustic musi...
I'm currently Working on a 7-limit scale to complement the original pitches I started working on for the piece. This is constructed as a harmonic space1 in ...
Setting up a small studio of historic instruments.
What is the function of spatiality of sound?
Proud to have been invited to the Spatial Audio Gathering at DMU.
A keynote presentation at the IMPACT conference on imporovisation
A lecture recital at ECCM in Tallinn
Concert at Jazzspot Candy and a presentation at CMMR 2023 in Tokyo this week, both in collaboration with Rikard Lindell
Music by Kaija Saariaho, Jakob Gille, Barry Truax, François Bayle and Assar Tallinger
Online performance at the NowNet conference at 20:00 CET
A rough mix of a track for the upcoming release of the new Six Tones Album where we interpret Vong Co
Lecture recital at the Orpheus Institute in Gent, Belgium at the Vintage Materialities conference.
SMC 2023 in Stockholm presents an evening of music at Reaktorhallen in Stockholm.
Another chance to hear the quarantine sessions group in an online performance.
Performing with students and collegues at Frequenz Festival iin Kiel
Concert at CCRMA, Stanford University on December 15, 19:00
Playing with the members of the online group Quarantine sessions
Playing with the members of the online group Quarantine sessions
Playing with the members of the online group Quarantine sessions
Setting the stage for an outdoor 24.8 channel concert
A biennial international festival devoted to experimental analog vector graphics
CCRMA celebrates the start of the 2022 season with its annual Transitions: two evenings of outdoor, under-the-stars concerts showcasing music from the CCRMA ...
A performance of Locomotion, a piece for two concert halls and many speakers.
This is a binaural mix of the original version which was composed for a 29 spearker array. The music is best listened to on headphones.
My piece Image Schema is being performed at the Festival Musica Viva in Lisbon Potugal on November 13 at 19:30 (Portugal time). The concert is being streamed...
In our series of electroacoustic music concerts at KMH we are now ready to broadcast our first binaural concert. Use a pair of headphones and listen to a ran...
Ensemble Sonanza under Jan Risberg is performing my work Drinking as part of the festival Svensk Musikvår. Enjoy it live streaming on March 25 at 6 pm….
The roayal college of music in Stockholm is presenting the first in a series of concerts streamed binaurally from Klangkuoplen in Lilla Salen on March 5. Lis...
My improvisation over Kim Hedås string quartet Mimionimas is being performed tonight for the first time at KMH. The concert is being streamed live! See www.k...
My piece Image Schema is performed at the inSonic fetival at ZKM (streamed)….
A short afterthought on Kim Hedås Minimonimas for string quartet played by me on a set of six physical models of a violin.
Drinking is originally a piece for electronics, voice and Dan Tranh (a Vietnamese zither), but also other instrumentations are possible. It was created as p...
This presentation is in Swedish only. Skandinavisk seminar i KU-basert musikkutdanning…
The SixTones and David Hebert gives a keynote address at the conference/webinar Is the Virtual Real? - Musical Communities in the 21st Century on August 25. ...
Recording of a performance made for Kulturnatten in Uppsala 2020.
The idea of being able to perform at a distant in real time, together with musicians scattered around the world, is not new. It is probably more affordable a...
A living room improvisation on materials recorded in Vietnam in 2019. These recordings wa made as part of the Transformations project, an artistic research p...
My article Aesthetics, Interaction and Machine Improvisation is published in the latest issue of Organised Sound on the theme Computation in the Sonic Arts. ...
The Audio paper Found in translation published by the peer-reviewed platform for contemporary music and sound art, Seismograf, earlier this year is broadcast...
A presentation at a small conference at KTH in connection with Emma Fridh’s public defence on a study in the project Goodbye Intuition. To open the presentat...
Music to a video created by Johan Fröst. The visual material is a processed recording of Fröst playing piano music by Debussy. I have not used the original ...
The 3rd international conference on sound in film and new media in Vilnius focuses this year on soundscapes and immersive sound. I will give a keynote on the...
A set at the festival JazzManifest in Malmö April 7, 2018.
On the topic of space and improvisation Free Improvisation: Researching the Acoustic Space by Theodor Parker Free Improvisation: Researching the Acoustic Spa...
Making a brief performance with Kali Malone at the Intonal festival in Malmö. The concert takes place at the wonderful Johanneskyrkan near Triangeln in centr...
Machinic propositions is an audio/visual work by the duo Mongrel. It’s an attempt to critically examine Deleuze and Guattari’s theorems of deterritorializati...
As part of the working group for EPARM I am participating in the 2019 conference in Cluj, Rumania. A very plesant experience in that the quality of these con...
As part of the European arts and culture project EASTN-DC we are presenting a week of discussions, workshops and premieres at KMH in Stockholm. My artistic c...
The group expEAR did a tour with Drew Gress following up on the release of the CD Vesper by the same constellation. This recording was made in Vilnius. Apart...
expEAR & Drew Gress follows up the CD Vesper with a tour in Sweden and Balticum. With kind support from Musik i Syd….
Francisca Skoogh’s and I have cowritten a paper entitled ‘Performance values - an artistic research perspective on music performance anxiety in classical mus...
February 24, 18:00 I am participating in Katt Hernandez’ event on Virkesvägen 3 in Hammarby Sjöstad. Katt Hernandez has been invited by CoyoteSTHM to curate ...
After some time of inactivity I will resurrect this blog. It will still have a focus on the artistic research in music I do at the Royal College of Music in ...
My paper ‘ArtDoc - An Experimental Archive and a Tool for Artistic Research’ is now available in a Spinger publication: Music Technology with Swing 13th Inte...
For the release of the anthology Investigacao em Artes - a necessidade das ideias artisticas for which I have contributed a chapter, a conference is staged i...
The duo is playing at the Club Matrix in Rotterdam at 23:00 on November 22. More about the duo here….
The video piece Machinic Propositions is performed at the festival Micromusic at the city of Romans south of Grenoble. Read more about Mongrel in the ‘projec...
In the coming week I will be in Manchester at the NOVARS Research Centre (MUSIC) at the University of Manchester for the EASTN-DC festival of Digital Creativ...
At 14:15 on May 24 starts a mini conference with many interesting speakers such as Atau Tanaka, Professor of Media Computing, Dept of Computing, Goldsmiths, ...
The Laboratory for Artistic Research, Interferens, is now presenting its fifth edition and for the occasion I will present the piece Machinic propositions. O...
Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions is an open form composition for 10-stringed guitar and electronics. The piece emerged out of a collaboration between...
The sound/video piece Ella a dansé - Il se tourna was presented in Hamburg at SMC 2016 and the S.T.R.E.A.M festival….
Part of the music for a sound installation at the Dome of Visions in Stockholm together with artist Ebba Bohlin. This music is very soft….
The second and formative meeting for the new national network for artistic research in music, NKFM, is taking place Monday-Tuesday August 22-23 in Gothenburg...
New music by Lars Bröndum, Lisa Ullén, Girilal Baars and myself. Two sets of structured improvisation on piano, saxophone, electronics and voice. …
Det är fåfängt att drömma om en vildmark fjärran från oss själva. Någon sådan finns inte. Det är myrmarkerna i våra hjärnor och magar, naturens urkraft inom ...
Subtraction is part of a project I did with the Swedish artist Ebba Bohlin at Dome of Visions in Stockholm in January 2016.
Currently working on a very interesting project with visual artist Ebba Bohlin. We are doing an installation at the Dome of Visions at KTH on trees: the slee...
Why is artistic research experience and competence not valued in the field of artistic research? Why do I claim it isn’t? There are numerous examples from sc...
Saturday January 24, 16.00 Katakomberna i Kvarnbyn & Galleri Fyra små Rum Götaforsliden 13, övre entrèn / Mölndal The band playing the music of Miles Dav...
After many months of work, my PdH dissertation Improvisation, Computers, and Interaction : Rethinking Human-Computer Interaction Through Music (ISSN 1653-861...
We are making a recording of some of the music we performed at the concert last year. The depth of the music of Miles Davis in the period from the late sixti...
expEAR is a new project situated in the border between art and research. After a week long workshop with Katt Hernandez we do two concerts in Malmö and in Up...
lim is recording their fourth CD. This is the first recording with guitarist Samuel Hällqvist. …
Elle a dansé, Il se tourna by Elberling/Frisk and the project Mongrel, commissioned by and performed as part of the Go to Hell performances in 2013. This is ...
Anders Elberling and myself will our project on narrativity and interaction in audio and video works on December 2 at Inter arts centre at the conference Tac...
My piece Drinking will have its first performance. Two version will be played at Tacit or Loud at a networked performance performed simultaneously at Stanfor...
Elle a dansé is an audio-visual piece first performed at the installation project Go To Hell in Stockholm in October 2013. It will now be performed again at ...
At the conference on artistic research organised by the Swedish Research Council I will present my paper (in Swedish) ‘Att bygga ett rörligt konstnärligt for...
Music for organ, saxophone and electronics. Together with Per Anders Nilsson, Johannes Landgren and William Soovik we will play music by Miles Davis from the...
Skissernas museum is celebrating their 80th birthday on October 25. A number of performers and artists will participate among which are Hans Pålsson, Sara Wi...
Recording of Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions done at EMS in Stockholm in January 2011. Stefan Östersjö plays the 10-stringed guitar. This version i...
Performing solo laptop on an eight channel system at Pufendorf Insitute in Lund at 19.00. This is the first performance of Opposite of Black Noise in Sweden….
The discussion of how to establish an artistic research environment is often mistaken for the discussion on how to create a vibrant research education which ...
The philosophy of concepts is intimately tied to cognitive sciences and is a large field of study. In this short post I am only scratching the surface of it ...
In the essay On Authorship and Style Shopenhauer writes: A book can never be anything more than the impression of its author’s thoughts. The destilling of id...
Reading ‘On methods of artistic research’ by Anette Arlander in the recent yearbook of artistic research from the Swedish Research Council. It is a overview ...
Research ethics is a big topic, but in general, ethics are not widely discussed in our field. Not only being a young discipline but also one which departs fr...
We have seen the topic of writing (essays, creative writing, academic writing) popping up quite often in the field of artistic research. It may come as no su...
A week long trip to California with meetings with composer Jonathan Berger and electronic master mind and guru David Wessel and two conserts: CNMAT, Berkeley...
lim is performing another concert in the Entranet series, this time in Malmö. In a double concert with Laura Toxvaerd the quartet with Peter Nilsson, David C...
At the semester meeting in the Swedish artistic research school at Gotland we did an improvisation with the wonderful Méliès film ‘A trip to the moon’. The e...
Is it possible to move away from a highly specialized and skill driven methodology to a more indeterminate and elusive approach without loosing the craft? I...
What is art? Why is it we do not know that for sure? The problem with not knowing what art is or what its boundaries are is that we will have difficulties tr...
lim is performing at Vinterjazz festival in Copenhagen, for the first time with the new lineup featuring Samuel Hällqvist. We are playing at the club 5e at 2...
Listening to Lady Gaga’s album Artpop (unfortunately a commercial failure) makes me think about the craft of studio work an composing involved in an ablum su...
Again has the topic of documentation come up….
Maggi Olin and Christine Jensens group Transatlantic Conversations in a live radio broadcast from Malmö, Sweden on December 5, 2013.
The premiere of The Transparent I with Ensemble Ars Nova and guest Wu Wei on sheng.
Transatlantic Conversations is a project run by Maggi Olin (SE) and Christine Jensen (CA). An ensemble consisting of Maggi Olin - piano, Christine Jensen - a...
One of the main debates ever since the introduction of artistic research, or practice based research, is how the results should be communicated. I.e. in what...
The political economy of Adam Smith is often seen as the birth of capitalism, and economist’s like Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman, advisor to Ronald Reag...
At the SeaArts festival in London, October 1 through November 10 The SixTones collaborator Ujikaji radio is broadcasting their webradio channel. The October ...
Working on our new film, Anders Elberling and I talk a lot about the impact of sound on vision. What is audiovisual interaction? What is synchronicity? Our m...
After a long wait and unfortunate cd label fall outs our CD Signal in Noise is finally released!…
The publication for the (re)thinking improvisation sessions in artistic research Artistic Explorations and Conceptual Writing is finally here and releases. T...
Go To Hell is a site specific installation and performance with The Six Tones with choreography by Marie Fahlin. The performance features a installations by ...
Go To Hell: installation and performance with The Six Tones. Choreography by Marie Fahlin. Music and video by Mongrel and Jörgen Dahlqvist. Sound and light i...
Elle a dansé, Il se tourna by Elberling/Frisk and the project Mongrel, commissioned by and performed as part of the Go to Hell performances in 2013. This vid...
I will be playing a short solo saxophone concert at Pufendorf Institute during Kulturnatten in Lund. The program will feature improvised music for saxophones...
On September 6 I will be the discussion partner and examine Kim Hedås’ doctoral dissertation in Gothenburg. …
June 21 through July 3 I will be in Hanoi for workshops and concerts as part of the democracy development project run by Kim Ngoc….
During the joint conference SMAC/SMC organized by KTH myself and Bill Brunson are curating three concerts for 26 speakers at KMH July 30 through August 1….
June 21 through July 3 I will be in Hanoi for workshops and concerts as part of the democracy development project run by Kim Ngoc….
The Six Tones in collaboration with the Thai poet Zakariya Amataya. In 2014 we are planning to record a CD together with more pieces on Zakariya’s poems.
The Six Tones are playing for the opening of DomDom in Hanoi, the newly opened art center for contemporary art and design in downtown Hanoi. At this concert ...
The Six Tones are playing at Hanoi Sound Stuff on April 16 at 20.00. Hanoi Sound Stuff is the best example of the vibrant electronic music scene in Hanoi the...
The work in motion Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions will be released in a new iteration on a CD from the Orpheus Institute. Stefan Östersjö and I are...
Well, it’s not a question that is easily answered and I strongly believe that it isn’t just one thing. Further more, knowledge within the arts has obviously ...
After a few years away from performing with this exciting duo Henrik Frisk and Henrik Frendin are now back with full force. This concert will be broadcast li...
Frendin Frisk Duo live in Halmstad
This is a remix of a song from the 2010 session in Hanoi with The Six Tones and Friends.
In a EC funded project French saxophonist Guillaume Orti will select twelve members for a European saxophone ensemble. If you are interested vist www.europea...
When discussing improvisation and freedom one argument that is frequently made is that people like Ornette Coleman and Derek Bailey are not as free as they a...
A recording by the Swedish Broadcasting Union in Malmö in December 2011 of my piece Månens Gråa Ögon, commissioned by Konstnärsnämnden and KopaOrchestra.
KOPAorchestra is a ten piece band with the members of the collective Kopasetic Productions and where all of the members contribute with compositions. We will...
The international sessions for artistic research, which is a festival and symposium for improvised musics of many kinds is starting tomorrow Sunday November ...
Tonight I’m playing at a very special occasion at Per Anders Nilsson’s public PhD dissertation concert. His duo Pantomorf will play as will distinguished gue...
I’m giving a talk and a short perfomance in Gothenburg at Atalante in the ARTLAB series curated Ole Lützow-Holm. The session starts at 19.00….
I’m playing the laptop part in the first perfromance of Daniel Hjort’s String Cycles at Uppsala Konsert and Kongress. Read more about the concert and about N...
I play with the trio lim together with French guitar virtuoso Marc Ducret at Victoriateatern in Malmö at 19:30 on Tuesday night October 25. Our new CD lim wi...
A central concept in jazz improvisation is the development of a personal sound. What are the relations between the known and the unknown, between the conscio...
Every improvising musician knows how the audience can influence a performance and what a difference it makes when things ‘are right’. What is it that the aud...
This years edition of the KOPAfestival has already started with performances in Lund and Helsingborg. On Monday night I will be playing with an exciting proj...
In jazz improvisation the notion of creating ‘your own’ expression is very important. Individuality in sound, phrasing, articulation and rhythm is held in hi...
On Monday September 19 at 19.30 the digital ensemble The Trembling Aeroplanes will perform an exciting program of music by myself, Kent Olofsson, Martin Sven...
This new trio will play two nights at Teater Momentum starting tonight, Thursday September 22, in Odense and two nights at Glenn Miller Café in Stockholm (Sa...
On Monday September 19 at 19.30 the digital ensemble The Trembling Aeroplanes will perform an exciting program of music by myself, Mattias Rodrick and Kent O...
The title, The Mystic Writing Pad, refers to Freud’s 1924 paper in which he lays out a hypothesis about the inner functionlity of human perception. This is ...
These are excerpts from the music Stefan Östersjö and I did for Isaac Julien’s film Better Life, displayed and performed at the Gothenburg Biennale in 2011.
Stefan Östersjö and I have collaborated with British artist Isaac Julien and created new music for his extraordinary film Better Life. In a project related t...
The Six Tones with Friends performs at IAC in Malmö on September 3 at 21:00. This time the guests are the distinguished American composer Richard Karpen and ...
The Six Tones and Friends are doing a special performance at the beautifully situated Kalv Festival. This edition of The Six Tones features apart from Stefan...
Repetition Repeats all Other Repetitions is performed in the Listening Room at ICMC in Huddersfield. I will also do a presentation of the IntegraLive softwar...
A concert with Polish clarinettist Jerzy Mazoll and the video duo Analog Visuals in Malmö, Sweden on July 12, 2011.
I’m doing two concerts, two productions, with Ensembl Midtvest on July 2. It is part of the ensembles summerfestival and on the occasion I’m working with Dan...
On June 23 I will perform with the project Analog Visuals at Inter Arts Centre in Malmö. Analog Visuals is Vitaily Harmash (belarussian electronic musician)...
I will make a solo performance with sax and electronics at the re-new festival in Copenhagen on May 17 at 20:00. The concert takes place at the Danish Broadc...
Here’s a video excerpt from a performance i did in Spain in early 2010. The concert took place in gallery Xavier Fiol in downtown Palma at the opening of my ...
lim and Marc Ducret are celebrating their new release on Kopasetic by playing at Lilla Hotellbaren, Scandinc Malmen, in Stockholm on May 3 at 20.30. Read a b...
This is the first of a series of pieces under the title of The Mystic Writing Pad. Eventually this will be one section in a longer work for the digital ensem...
I’m doing a concert with Swedish viola player Erik Ring in Uppsala on Friday, April 15 at 19.00 at Nannaskolans Aula. The concert is part of the chamber musi...
My quartet Ooko will play an afternoon concert at Kulturen in Lund, a wonderful museum in the city centre on Sunday April 3. The concert starts at 14.30 and ...
This is a recording from a gig we did with my band Ooko at Glenn Miller Café in Stockholm on December 1, 2010. This is the standard Like Someone in Love. Mo...
The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts, to which I have contributed the chapter ‘Time and Interaction: research through non-visual arts and media’, ...
lim with Marc Ducret documents the continued collaboration between lim and French guitarist Marc Ducret. The ongoing collaboration was initiated during KOPAf...
Ooko live at Glenn Miller Café in Stockholm on December 1, 2010. Ooko is Henrik Frisk (sax), Katrine Amsler (pi), Johannes Burström (bas) and Michala Österg...
lim and French guitar virtuoso Marc Ducret is playing at Café Kaka in Eskilstuna on March 24. The quartet is about to release a new CD on Kopasetic Productio...
Saturday March 19 marks the debut for our society for new music, NEO, in Uppsala. The Saturday concert will present Trio Wallin (clarinet, cello, piano) in N...
(Re)Thinking Improvisation is the name of a research project at the Malmö Academy of Music, funded by the Swedish Research Council that I’m a part of. The p...
KOPA at Kong, March 16, 20:00 Henrik Frisk / Loic Dequidt Duo Thommy Andersson (solo) Mats Holtne /Andreas Engman DJ: Peter Nilsson I will be playing in a ne...
(Re)thinking Improvisation: international sessions on artistic research in music November 28 - December 1 Bringing together musicians working in different tr...
In a concert at Inter Arts Center the digital subgroup of Ensemble Ars Nova, The Trembling Aeroplanes, is premiering the second part of my suite for digital ...
Copenhagen Art Ensemble will perform my piece Continuous Breach at two concerts this week. In Oslo, at the Vinterlyd festival on February 27, and in Malmö at...
Lund University upgraded their email server to Exchange 2007 which suddenly made it impossible to fetch my email over IMAP via fetchmail using my old setting...
In the process of writing a second (and possibly a third) part to The Mystic Writing Pad I’ve been trying to figure out a way that allows me to improvise on ...
A brand new CD from the Swedish label Chamber Music featuring Swedish electro acoustic music has a recording of my piece Repetition Repeats all other Repetit...
Ensemble ArsNova is performing my piece The Mystic Writing Pad, written for the ensemble’s special project SwitchedOn at a concert in Malmö, December 4. The ...
This is the first of a series of pieces under the title of The Mystic Writing Pad. There are two more pieces in this series.
My relatively new quartet Ooko plays at Glenn Miller Café in Stockholm on December 1. Although originally a trio we will now for the first time play with bas...
My trio lim has just finished recording a new CD with French guitarist Marc Ducret. We have played with Marc on a few occasions before but this is the first ...
The Copenhagen Art Ensemble is playing my piece Continuous Breach in a series of concerts in Denmark this week. The first concert is already tonight in Frede...
I will be doing a series of performances in the US in the upcoming week, starting already tonight with a performance at IBeam with Angelica Sanchez, Gustavo ...
Some of the pieces I’ve done in collaboration with Swedish artist Stefan Lundgren will be played at his event The Taste of Art at Pelaires Centre Cultural Co...
lim with Marc Ducret: live at Glenn Miller Café, November 2010
lim with Marc Ducret: live at Glenn Miller Café, November 2010
lim with Marc Ducret: live at Glenn Miller Café, November 2010
The trio lim will play in Malmö and Stockholm in the upcoming week. On Wednesday November 3 we will play at Klubb Kong in Malmö and on November 10 and 11 we ...
The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts, edited by Michael Biggs and Henrik Karlsson, and to which I have contributed a chapter (co-written with Henr...
I will do a performance and a presentation at the ELIA Biennal Conference in Nantes. Apart from a short improvisation I will present my paper ‘Time and Recip...
I just got my hands on a recording with the ‘lost’ Miles Davis Quintet (with Wayne Shorter (ss, ts), Chick Corea (el-p), Dave Holland (b, el-b), Jack DeJohne...
Today the KOPAfestival 2010 started with a concert with Tolvan Big Band in Lund. Tomorrow I will play with KOPorchestra at a concert at Kulturen in Lund and ...
I will do a short tour in Sweden and Denmark with this new trio. I have played duo with Richie (the CD Expressions was recorded in 1997) in the past but this...
I will be doing a solo saxophone/laptop performance on Monday October 1 at the EarZoom festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In addition to the concert I will als...
Stefan Östersjö is performing my piece Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions at the ORCiM research festival in Ghent, Belgium tonight. The new version of ...
Together with composer and guitarist Kent Olofsson I will perform at the inauguration of a new center for the arts in Malmö. Inter Arts Center is co-founded ...
I will do a performance of etherSound at jazz club Fasching, Stockholm on Monday May 3, 2010 at 8 pm. I will also participate in a group performance with mas...
I will be playing in Malmö two nights in the upcoming week. The first occasion is an exciting Swedish/Danish/Vietnamese collaboration, an offspring of the Ha...
I will be in Vietnam for two weeks (March 26 through April 7) for a performance at the Hanoi Sound Stuff festival with The Six Tones (Henrik Frisk, Nguyen Th...
Mary McCready’s Singin’ the Blues in a recording from Henrik Frisk’s Pli October 1 concert at KOPAfestival 2009….
Listen to an excerpt of the performance of Anne LeBaron’s cyberopera Sucktion:…
A performance and installation at Gallery Louis 21 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain on February 12, 2010. The installation was a collaboration with Swedish artist...
The first half of my PhD dissertation has been published and is now released as a book by the German academic publisher VDM. It is available on internet book...
An essay by Marcel Cobussen for which I did a ‘sound illustration’ is now available online as part of Volume 2 of the interdisciplinary e-journal Konturen, ‘...
My paper Improvisation, Computers, and Primary Process: Why Improvise With Computers in issue number 32 of the journal New Sound is now available along with ...
On Friday February 12 I will do a performance and sound installtion at gallery Xavier Fiol in Palma Mallorca, in Spain. This is a collaboration with my long ...
This is a recording we did with my band Ooko in Malmö early on February 15, 2009. Some free impro and some tunes, some acoustic and some electronic. The ver...
A version of the piece Friday Intro performed at the Kopasetic festival October 1, 2009 at Victoriateatern in Malmö, Sweden….
Like Someone… by Henrik Frisk’s Pli …
On Friday November 13, at 8 pm, you have a unique oportunity to listen to this very original work by American experimentalist composer and improviser Anne Le...
Browsing the web for Soap Opera content for our Sucktion performance I came across this particularly funny clip: What strikes me about this passage is how i...
I started looking at different ways in which the soprano can ‘perform’ on the vacuum cleaner in Anne LeBaron’s Opera Sucktion. One option would be to let Mar...
The Swedish National Radio is broadcasting a live recording with my new 10-piece band Henrik Frisk’s Pli on Tuesday night November 3. The concert was recorde...
Having spent the last few days familiarizing myself with the sound and MIDI-files for Anne LeBarons Cyber opera Sucktion I’m now starting to get an idea of w...
On November 13 I will perform in a staging of Anne LeBaron’s Cyborgopera Sucktion. I will perform the laptop part which, interestingly enough, is written add...
The timbreMap program is part of PhD project and is designed to organize timbral features of its audio input in its 2D output space. It uses the JetNet imple...
Since I received my brand new MacBook Pro (17’’) I haven’t figured out how to get sound routed to the internal speakers using PulseAudio. The headphone outle...
I experienced a bit of a void after my PhD dissertation/defense about a year ago, so bad that I had no interest in posting on this blog. Well, I’m back now, ...
Violist Henrik Frendin is performing my piece Drive at the Nordic Viola Symposium opening concert (A Tribute To The Nordic Viola) at the Royal College of Mus...
October 1st marks the premiere of my new project Pli. Our debut concert is held at Viktoriateatern in Malmö, Sweden at 7.30 pm. The concert is recorded by th...
The Swedish CD distribution company CDA has today announced that they will file a petition in bankruptcy. In practice this means that my CDs as well as those...
On Thursday September 10 (also the birthday of my youngest son!) I will be doing a performance presentation at the Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium in Canada....
I will be presenting the paper ‘An object oriented model for the representation of temporal data in the Integra framework’ at ICMC in Montreal on August 16. ...
A piece commissioned by the Copenhagen Art Ensemble in 2009. This recording is from the Aarhus Jazzfestival.
On Sunday 12, Copenhagen Art Ensemble will premiere my composition Continuous Breach. The day after the ensemble will play the same program at Århus jazz fes...
An excerpt of my piece The Six Tones from a concert at Atalante in Gothenburg, Sweden in 2009 with The Six Tones
The interactive sound installation etherSound will be set up as part of a support act for the Swedish CD distribution company CDA. Read more about the event ...
etherSound, the interactive sound installation that I have been working on for since 2003, has now gotten its own page. Go to ...
The Six Tones is a Swedish-Vietnamese project featuring Stefan Östersjö, Nguyen Thanh Thuy and Ngo Tra My. On this tour, starting March 28 in Stockholm and e...
In our own series of concerts, Kopasetic productions presents lim in an afternoon concert at Kulturen in Lund, Sweden. The concert starts at 4.30PM….
Bergson, in Matter and Memory, defines two distinct conditions of existence; presentation to consciousness and logical or causal connection. Could it be that...
This is a recording of the version of my piece for Stefan Östersjö, Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions made for the classic avant garde film Symponie ...
Club Jazzligan lim is performing at new club Jazzligan hosted by Babel in Malmö. Be there at 9 pm on Tuesday, February 17….
An improvisation and collective composition by Henrik Frisks Ooko.
The title of this tune is inspired by a dialogue in the file The Spinal Tap in which the mysterious and tragic death of the band’s drummer is discussed. App...
This tune was written in 1990 while I was living in Copenhagen. Originally it was intended as a hardbop tune. Here, it is performed by Henrik Frisks Ooko.
A free improvisation by Henrik Frisks Ooko.
Henrik Frisks Ooko: A tune written in the mid 1990s. I used to play this in a duo with Richie Beirach. This recording is with my trio Ooko.
An excerpt from the first track from the CD etherSound.
An excerpt from the third track from the CD etherSound.
An excerpt from the last track from the CD etherSound.
I have now a functional IXD file browser: A webapp to browse information stored in the Integra eXtensible Document (IXD) format. The IXD is an XML dialect d...
Public defence of two artistic doctoral dissertations
Tonight, Tuesday Feb 26, Swedish Radio will broadcast a show recorded on September 26 of last year at the KOPAestival 2007 (see also Kopasetic Productions si...
Though my dissertation was just moved from May to September, I neww desperately to decide on the framework for which the material will be presented in. I wan...
After some more research on embeddable databases and offline RIA and offline AJAX (or LAJAX as some refer to it - see
This is a recording of the version of my piece for Stefan Östersjö, Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions made for the classic avant garde film Symponie...
On Thursday January 24 I will be playing at GMC in Stockholm with Peter Nilsson on drums and Nils Ölmedal on bass….
When I need access to network services on my computers in my home/studio network, I usually set them up on GNUlinux and grant the other operating systems acc...
[Edited and updated on Dec 19] Yesterday I defended a part of my dissertation (at what is here called a 75% seminar). The opponent was British composer and a...
December 10 at 12, noon myself and Stefan Östersjö will perform a concert as part of our seminar presentations of our respective artistic research projects. ...
The reason for the limited activity on this diary at the moment is that I am working (hard) on my dissertation. I will however try to use this as a notebook ...
A movie of a concert at Huset in Copenhagen during ICMC 2007.The sounds that are a result of received SMS’ are easily identified; they have a bell like char...
This is a performance of my interactive improvisation environment etherSound (read the programme note) at ICMC 2008 in Copenhagen. The performance took place...
October 13 at 6pm at Inkonst, Malmö. Ensemble Ars Nova will be performing music by Tan Dun, Shing-kwei Tzeng, Dajuin Yao and Martin Svensson as well as impr...
In connection with the centenary celebration of the Malmö Academy an interesting seminar is taking place October 10-11. For the first time researchers from t...
Recording from concert at Panora in Malmö 2007.
Get the Flash Player to see this player. var s1 = new SWFObject(‘’,’single’,’320’,’240’,’7’); s1.addParam(‘all...
Get the Flash Player to see this player. var s1 = new SWFObject(‘’,’single’,’320’,’240’,’7’); s1.addParam(‘all...
Now, this is somewhat unrelated to this blog, but I’ll put it here anyways - mainly because I need to make notes about how I did it… I need to be able to acc...
The Kopasetic Productions annual festival is starting in a few days - read more about it here. Apart from the KOPAbands and the members of the KOPAcollectiv...
Frendin Frisk Duo (Henrik Frisk - laptop, and Henrik Frendin - viola): Recording (video and audio) from a concert in Malmö in September 2007.The recording w...
On September 17, at 10 AM, Kopasetic Productions will present the festival program at Palladium in Malmö. There will also be a KOPAgroup playing!…
At ICMC 2007 in Copenhagen I will perform etherSound along with Per Anders Nilsson and Michala Østergaard-Nielsen (see also
On Monday morning I will be presenting an article about the Integra library that primarily myself and Jamie Bullock has been working on. Please come and see ...
While reading Interface Culture - How new technology transforms the way we create and communicate. by Steven Johnson Johnson, 1997, I came across the name Ja...
… how information and redundancy appear at different levels under mutual influence. Eco, 1971, p. 140…
A recording of my piece The Six Tones from a concert in Malmö, 2007.
The Six Tones is performing in Växjö on April 28 at 14.00. The concert is arranged by CoMA - Contemporary Music and Artists, Musik i Syd. On June 2 at 19.30 ...
Find the notes for the introduction to the seminar on ‘Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions - a version for ‘Symphonie Diagonale’ by Viking Eggeling’ her...
The ICMC in 2007 will be held in Copenhagen this year. As somebody who works extensively with computers and improvisation (in combination that is) I am one o...
On Monday March 5, Stefan Östersjö and myself will be doing a concert at the Frontiers concert series at Birmingham Conservatoire. Stefan will perform my pie...
Thoughts about the final stages of the planning of the disposition of my PhD project, Interactive Systems in Improvisation and Composition….
My piece for guitar and electronics, Repetition Repeats all Other Repetitions will be performed by Stefan Östersjö in two different versions at two concerts ...
Going home after having written this I realized what was the problem. In essence it is the difference between all free software and almost all free software....
I have spent the entire day fixing up my Java code in my timbreMap project. Not only am I moving to Linux (from OpenDarwin) but I’m also updating to Java 1.5...
In an article by Rose Rosengarden Subotnik, 1978 the author writes about the history of the separation of music from language: ‘Music […] separated itself fr...
Following this link, you can download an article I’ve written that will soon be published in The Dutch Journal of Music Theory (there’s actually an RSS feed ...
I have just started a complete re-write of the spectral analysis part of my main programming project - the timbreMap. After having optimized the DFT calculat...
Last year I wasn’t very active writing on this blog. When I wasn’t travelling (which I did a lot of) my two sons took up most of my time. No time for bloggin...
This is a video recording of the first performance of my piece The Six Tones written in close collaboration with the two Vietnamese master musicians Than Thu...
my work in progress Repetition Repeats all other Repetitions. This piece was premiered at the opening concert of the MusicAcoustica festival in Beijing in Oc...
I will be at ICMC06 in New Orleans in November. I will present the results of the empirical studies in the project ‘Negotiating the Musical Work’ which I am ...
In January I did three solo saxophone & laptop concerts in Sweden. The following two track are from the concert at Artisten in Gothenburg on January 13. ...
On April 9 I played a concert together with Per Anders Nilsson at CRMA at Stanford, Palo Alto in California, US. This was the last concert in a series of six...
This is the version that Stefan premiered at the opening concert of the MusicAcoustica 2006 festival in Beijing on October 23. This recording however was mad...
A demo recording made of the first version of the piece. Stefan Östersjö, for whom the piece was written, plays the 10-stringed guitar. More
A video recording from a concert with The Six Tones in Hanoi, Vietnam on October 20, 2006.
A video recording from a concert in Hanoi, Vietnam on October 20, 2006.
A video recording from a concert with the Six Tones in Hanoi, Vietnam on October 20, 2006.
Together with guitarrist Stefan Östersjö I will be doing two concerts in Asia over the next couple of weeks. One in Hanoi and one in Beijing as part of the M...
So I finally managed to get my output from LilyPond into Illustrator without having to install the fonts included in my LilyPond file. The problem was resolv...
On September 27, I will play a duo concert with laptop musician Per-Anders Nilsson at Brötz in Gothenburg. The concert starts at 8 pm. I have played with Per...
lim with Marc Ducret: From the CD Superlim.
September 21-22 Kopasetic Productions will present some of its bands along with guest artists Lotte Anker, Marc Ducret and David Liebman. The concerts are pr...
As was mentioned in this post the form for ‘Repetition repeats all other repetitions’ is open in the sense that a the piece can be played in a number of diff...
I’m currently working on a piece for guitar and computer entitled ‘Repetition repeats all other repetitions’. The piece is for my friend and collegue Stefan ...
This is just a reference to an entry in the Integra migration blog that I posted tonight. My own involvement in the Integra project is strating to feel quite...
Ever since I started my PhD project I’ve had the notion of a creative force as a potentially interesting area to further explore….
On the third day (my second day…) of the conference Sama’a Al Hashimi, a researcher and PhD candidate at Middlesex University, did a presentation of her work...
An interesting conference on digital technology and performance arts with many interesting people. Me and Stefan Östersjö did a presentation of our paper ‘Ne...
…il faut se placer de prime abord sur le terrain de la langue et la prendre pour norme de toutes les autres manifestations du langage. [de Saussure] I have ...
Since my PhD project is investigating sound and timbre as a means of interaction, phonomenology in general is of great interest to me. When reading Husserl’s...
Myself and Stefan Östersjö have been invited to do a presentation of our paper ‘Negotiating the musical work (II): Computer-Performer interaction in Relation...
Together with Henrik Frendin I’m doing another concert on June 18 at 8.00 PM in Växjö, Sweden as part of the Master Class Festival. Follow this link for more...
June 9 I will be playing with guitarist Anders Nilsson at Café Grumpy in Brooklyn. More details on the concert can be found here….
On June 7 I will do a concert at the International Viola Congress in Montreal together with Swedish viola player Henrik Frendin. The concert starts at 10:30 ...
September 21 marks the first night of an exciting two day event in Malmö. Apart from groups from the musician owned and run label Kopasetic Productions, inte...
lim: from the CD Superlim.
lim: from the CD Superlim.
lim: from the CD Superlim.
I’m back after a long period of inactivity in this diary. Mainly, it has been due to the birth of our second son in November of last year. Bruno is now 5 mon...
At a concert in Reykjavik, Iceland on June 5 where Henrik Frendin and myself presented a program of electroacoustic music for electric viola and live electro...
In a recent meeting with professor Luca Francesconi, Kent Olofsson and my PhD collegue Stefan Östersjö as we were discussing an upcoming project, Luca ponder...
The first draft for the following text was done as a preparation for a presentation I thought I was going to do in Berlin in June. I have touched on these an...
I’m using Lilypond as my music typesetting software since a year. It works great for standard notation but has some limitations when it comes to graphical no...
This is not really news, but an article by myself and Miya Yoshida on my interactive sound installation etherSound was published in Organised Sound in 10:2, ...
I will be performing with Henrik Frendin and Michael Reuter at the Music Academy in Stockholm on December 1, 7 pm. The program is a mixture of improvisations...
A concert in Malmö, at the Palladium, tonight Oct 30 at 6PM where I will be performing with Katrine Amsler and Johannes Burström as well as with David Carlss...
I am spending most of my time programming these days working on a piece of software that will allow me to investigate different models of ANN and their use f...
Today I finally had a chance to watch a decent display of the data outputted by my implementation of a critical band filter convolved with a amplitude spectr...
The recording of my piece Tetrachordal Variations (I know, the title really sucks…) is now out and available. You can buy it here. In this recording with the...
After a long puase, I have now resumed working on my programming project to implement and test a speaker independent speach recognition algorithm suggested b...
The format of a dissertation in an artistic PhD is not be self evident. During the little over two years that I have worked on my project I have followed man...
I’m making very slow progress on the Harp piece - not because I don’t know how to proceed but because so many other things are taking time away from composin...
I’m spending all of my time working on the commission for a harp and computer piece. In the process I am also making the move away from using Finale for nota...
In June 2005 I took part in an event called Knowledge Lab staged by art historian Sarat Maharaj, singer Liu Sola, dancer Kofi Koko and the House of World Cul...
While going through the first sketches for my harp and computer piece with the harpist yesterday I started thinking about the relation between the compositio...
After a long and well needed summer brake, and a remake of my studio, I am now slowly returning to work. I have had lots of time to think, and spent some tim...
When improvising on saxophone with live electronics - a computer - one of the things I am interested in is what can be described as the distorted mirror refl...
Barthes writes: “We know that lingusits refuse the status of language to all communication by analogy - from the ‘language’ of bees to the ‘language’ of gest...
My composition Drive has been selected by the Swedish ISCM jury to be propsed to the international jury of ISCM for the 2006 World Music Days in Frankfurt….
Finally getting a chance to write some again. I have been too busy travelling and playing concerts lately. I should try to get a more well balanced schedule…...
I will be in Berlin between June 10-16. I am invited to participate in the Knowledge Lab workshop at the House of World Cultures as part of the Transit Festi...
I will do a concert in Reykjavik on June 5 with Henrik Frendin. Frendin plays his Electric Viola Grande and performs pieces by myself, Kent Olofsson and Erik...
This is the output of five consecutive, slightly overlapping messages in the current (May 2005) version of etherSound.
I spent the weekend in Glasgow in Scotland doing a presentation of etherSound. After having worked on this piece for more than two years I think I have final...
I will perform at the SIM (Sound in Interactive Media) event at the institute for Medialogy at Aalborg University in Copenhagen on May 12….
When I perform saxophone and computer improvisations I can usually get most of the parameters that I want to control in the synthesis from my saxophone audio...
In the saxophone quartet Persipicio I use real time analysis of what the saxophones play to generate and manipulate musical material and sounds. When I compo...
At UC Santa Barbara the department for research in the field of electronic art is called CREATE. Author of the great book ‘Microsound’ Curtis Roads is Associ...
Two years ago Stockholm Saxophone Quartet premiered my piece Persicio for saxophone quartet and computer. I am very glad to have a second performance of it i...
I have just spent two weeks in California, playing concerts and meeting musicians and composers. I visited four computer music departments at four universiti...
After having problems with the adaption for Max of Miller Puckette’s qlist object I finally decided to implement the basic idea of qlist in an abstraction us...
Fifth track
My interactive sound piece etherSound will be performed at the MIDAS conference in Glasgow on Saturday May 8….
Stockholm Saxophone Quartet will perform my piece Perspicio at the Borderline festival in Malmö….
In late March I will be in California for concerts and teaching. Henrik Frendin will perform my piece Drive at a concert at Santa Barbara University where we...
A few comments to a seminar….
(continuation from In preparation for a seminar… If the connection between input and output is too obvious the result is predictable and, while it may still ...
Interactive music is concerned with two issues: (1) Extracting valid information from input and (2) mapping this input in a meaningful way….
For some time, I have been looking for references for relating my sound installation etherSound, and my planned project bioSound, to what has been done and w...
About the Spark Festival in Minneapolis….
As I have now started to write papers more actively the subject of artistic research and what that really constitutes becomes an issue. Should I write in an ...
MMC in Boston is now releasing the recording of my piece Tetrachordal Variations as played by the Warszaw Phil. and myself and Richie Beirach as soloists. Th...
An improvisation for solo saxophone and interactive computer
Finished the paper on etherSound a few days ago. The biggest problem ended up being that I had to transfer the whole article to Word format whcih is a major ...
Just as I finished the paper co-written with Miya Yoshida, I have to start editing and touching up my own article on etherSound. It is not easy to shift pers...
Today myself and Miya Yoshida finished our paper on etherSound in the context of The Invisible Landscapes. Hopefully we will get it published, and I will soo...
An improvisation for solo saxophone and interactive computer
I should have realized that, in starting to re-work etherSound, I would end up changing almost everything. Since the new version is multi timbral, i.e. it wi...
My paper on etherSound has been accepted for the Spark Festival and Conference. The conference takes place February 17-20 and hosts guests DJ Spooky and Phil...
I will do three concerts in Sweden together with saxophonist Neil Leonard and laptop performer Per Anders Nilsson in January 2005. The program will consist o...
The cd Viola con Forza has been nominated for a Swedish Grammy award. My piece Drive is recorded by Henrik Frendin on that cd. Drive has been played quite a ...
In my November 18 post, I mentioned the need for limiting the number of messages that would play back simultaneously. I think the way to solve this is to hav...
Malmö Saxophone Quartet - Henrik Frisk & Andreas Andersson saxophones…
Comments on the new version of my interactive sound installation etherSound….
Reworking etherSound - the article as well as the program….
Again I have not been posting anything for a long time due to my spending most of my time with my son. I have however played a few concerts, amongst them wit...
In preparing for our upcoming recording a few more concerts in south of Sweden have now been confirmed: November 30, Fridhems Folkhögskola, Svalöv December 1...
I participated in the ArtTech Sublime seminar yesterday arranged by the schools of performing arts at the Gothenburg University (follow this link for more i...
More on the workings of a composition for Harp and computer…
About the tone series permutations for the harp piece….
I have not been posting for some time which is the result of not having had so much time for my work recently (I have been spending most of it together with ...
lim will start recording is second cd in December. This record we intend to do as much ‘live’ in the studio as possible. We will also do a few concerts and w...
In preparation for a presentation….
Further notes on the harp piece….
About the book microsound by Curtis Roads….
I will be doing a solo performance at Skånes Konstförening in Malmö at the opening of an exhibition of drawings by Stefan Lundgren. Some of his drawings in t...
Comments on September 16 seminar….
Further comments on the September 14 seminar….
Notes about a seminar….
Thoughts in preparation for a seminar….
Note on Formalized Music by Iannis Xenakis….
I have frequently used the term improvisation without being very clear about what I mean. Obviously, improvisation can take on many different meanings. I wil...
First notes on the composing of a piece for harp and computer….
Thoughts on sound preparation….
Music as a mirror….
Notes in preparation for a seminar….
The combined efforts of the performer and the computer becomes a combination of the static formalism of the score and the structured improvisation within one...
In preparation for the fall….
How is the computer to be defined? As a musical instrument, a virtual performer or simply a playback unit?…
What is the dichotomy of the problem of attempting to integrate acoustical instruments played live with computer based instruments on several levels?…
What would be the best format to present my artistic process? Can it be described in text, that is, can it be removed from, in my case, the music? I think no...
How to structure thoughts and ideas….
Notes on a productive meeting….
A few things relating to the difference between the performance of composed music and the act of musical improvisation. …
When improvising, what is it I want to be free from? On what conditions do I feel free to express myself unrestricted? What is freedom in improvisation?…
As a follow-up to etherSound I have been planning to do a similar project titled bioSound. The point of etherSound was to collect information about what mess...
What is my subjective aim that proposes need for rethinking the problem?…
After a lot of uncertainty it is now clear that I will be going to Minsk to do a performance with Swedish artist Stefan Lundgren on September 6. Together we ...
However not yet confirmed, it seems like I will be going to Minsk, Belarus in early September to perform at a festival. I have very little information about ...
You can listen to the music either as streaming audio (if you have the required bandwidth) or you can download the entire file and listen to it off line. The...
The Swedish Art magazine FABRIK (in Swedish only) has published the score to my piece ‘Drive’….
Walrus Music Publishing,, is making my arrangement of David Liebman’s tune Carissima available for sale. This is a result of David Liebma...
David Liebman has recorded my arrangement of his tune Carissima with the Dave Liebman Big Band. The record is released on Omnitone and is called Beyond the L...
Henrik Frendin is playing my piece ‘Drive’ for electric viola grande and computer on his new record Viola Con Forza on Phono Suecia….
A performance of and with my sound installation etherSound. Except for myself the musicians are Peter Nilsson - drums, David Carlsson - bass, Andreas Anderss...
I am looking forward to collaborating with the Swedish guitarist Stefan Östersjö on this commission. As he is also a doctorate student at the Malmö Academy o...
By lim. Recorded October 2002.
Frendin Frisk Duo: An excerpt from a video of the recording of Drive in Studio 2 at the Swedish Broadcasting Corp. in October 2003.
This is a 6min excerpt from a recording of a performance made at Malmö Konstmuseum on September 7, 2003 of the interactive piece etherSound.
Live recording from Fasching with Henrik Frendin, Henrik Frisk and Lars Juul.
Performed and composed by lim. Recording made in a rehearsal.
Performed by lim, composed by Henrik Frisk. Recording made in a rehearsal.
A short tape piece, originally for a performance with Stefan Lundgren
This is the music for a collaboration with Swedish artist Stefan Lundgren