My piece for guitar and electronics, Repetition Repeats all Other Repetitions will be performed by Stefan Östersjö in two different versions at two concerts at Stanford and Seattle in February.

For more information about the venues look here for the February 8 concert at CCRMA, Stanford, and here for the February 11 concert at DXARTS, Seattle. I’m very excited about the new version we, myself and Stefan, have done of Repetition… We’ve made it to the classic dadaist film Symphonie Diagonale by the Swedish artist Viking Eggeling because of the conceptual similarities between the two works. The result is somewhat of a collage of audio and video.

The complete program at these concerts is as follows:

  • Natasha Barrett: Where Shadows Do For Bodies Stand for guitar and computer (2003-04)
  • Viking Eggeling: Symphonie Diagonal (1923-25)
  • Henrik Frisk: Repetition Repeats All Other Repetitions (2006) for 10-string guitar and electronics
  • Michele Tadini: Scenario for electric guitar and tape (2001)


  • Kent Olofsson: Alambic III for MIDI-electric guitar and computer (2006)
  • Kent Olofsson: Alambic IV for electric guitar, e-bow and electronics (2006)
  • Viking Eggeling: Symphonie Diagonal/Henrik Frisk: Repetition Repeats All Other Repetitions (2006) for 10-string guitar and electronics
  • Richard Karpen: Strandlines for guitar and computer (2006-07)
  • Paul Dolden: Physics of Seduction. Invocation #1 (1991) for electric guitar and tape

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